Monday, September 11, 2006

How to drop 10-20 pounds quickly? -

I ve seen other questions like this, but I d like to provide more information, and see if anyone can help!Um, well, I eat very little- A yogurt or a poppy seed muffin in the morning, maybe chips or candy in the afternoon, and then possibly plain pasta for dinner.Every day. It doesn t really change.I don t exercise...haven t fully exercised since...two years ago?I m way too busy to find time for a workout routine, too busy to even eat.But I really want to lose 10-20 lbs.Info:I m 19 years old, female.Height: 5 6 Weigh around 135 lbs.(It says 115 lbs on my drivers liscence...because that s how thin I was! I d like to get back down to around that weight...How can I effectively do this?I know working out and eating properly effects it...but I just can NOT find a minute to even breathe these days.I ve tried safe and healthy weight loss, and that doesn t work. What can I do?

ok, First of all your diet is terrible! Yogurt is the only too thing you said you eat. You need to get rid of the candy and chips for sure. If you are a soda drinker, stop that too and drink water-or add a crystal light for flavor. You need to add more food to your diet. If you don t have food/nutrients you wont have energy and then you will become lazy...which sorry to say sounds like has happened already. Safe and Healthy weight loss DOES work! You just have to know what you are doing. You need to eat a good breakfast-with protein to help you get to your next meal, like eggs. You need to have a healthy lunch, not junk food. And have a sensible dinner, earlier in the evening, not right before bed!Exercise is a huge key to weight loss. You need to work out with either cardio or weights 1 hour a day 5-6 days a week. The more muscle tone (not bulk) you have the better your metabolism works, so you burn more fat! Starving yourself will only make you gain all that weight plus more back when you eat normal again. Everyone says they do not have time to work out and eat healthy, but its just an excuse. You can make time to work out 1 hour a day! If not, you are just being lazy and do not really care to make your body healthier. Having a diet and exercise routine that you stick with will only help you lose about 2lbs a week...which is a healthy amount!hope this helps.

LOL theres no way your gonna lose weight eating that littleyou need to eat about 1000 more calories

First of all you are eating too many carbs and crap. If you increase your protein it should help.

Go on the atkinst diet. I lost 6 pounds this week on that diet.

You eat little, but you aren t eating the right thing. You need lots of protein to fill you up and gives you the feeling of being full. Egg, turkey bacon or turkey, ham, lots of chicken. Beef every once in awhile. Remember salad s are not meals. Combine protien with salads or veggies. Breads and pastas are ok in a small amount. You have to have carbs for energy. Try taking chromium picolate supplements that you can get from walmart. (a very natural supplement that is fine in small doses.) They help with sugar cravings. Try not to drink diet soda s or diet foods because most of them have fake stuff in it that s not any better. If you want to have a soda, limit it to one day and have a regular one. Drink lots and lots of water. The powder mixes of different flavors are good. I like Cherry blossom flavored green tea to go packs. $2 at walmart. Go bike riding or walking as much as you can, or just get moving when you have a break. Good luck!