Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good weight loss tips 4 wedding in 5 months!? -

I m getting married August 11th and am trying to lose as much weight as possible before then. I also just quit smoking last week so I m scared I m going to gain more. I ve been walking everyday and I feel like nothing is happening. Just wondered if anyone had any helpful tips.

im getting married in july and im trying to lose weight as well. i just bought a little device from ***** that i clip onto my belt and it counts my calories that im burning all day long. So if i drink a breakfast skake and its 190 calories, i will try to walk off more than that shake in calories.. it only cost about 30 dollars and it was totally worth it. i wear it all day long and it pushes me to move more during the day, i get up to get more things and i take the longer way when walking places at work. also dont eat after about 7pm cause its hard to burn those calories. also eat foods that have slow burning carbs in them like oatmeal. oatmeal makes you feel full for a longer time so your not as hungry all day long. also eat small meals but more meals each day. so instead of 3 big meals eat about 5 small meals all day. lots of protein, no fried foods, and very very good luck!!!

lots of water!! good for you trying to do it the right way! also try tons of fruit and veg, and soup before larger meals. Best of Luck!

the first thing in the morning have a drinkable hot glass of water to which the juice of a whole lemon is added. break u r meals into 6 meals ,have bare minimum of anytjing sweet no colas or processed drinks,have whole fruits instead of juices do not drink water during meals have it half an hour later and honey EXERCISE join a gym or something

cut out all soda, drink lots of water.... stop eating 2 hours b4 bedtime... do the elliptical like 4 days a week. eats lots of chicken and veggies, and high protein breakfast.

How much weight are you trying to lose? The general rule is eat less, exercise more. Drink plenty of water, concentrate on fruits and vegetables and lean protein. High fiber foods help. Stay away from fatty foods, and processed foods, cakes, cookies, candy, chips, etc.

atkins. i lost 20 lbs countless inches in just over one month. it works amazing...and lots and lots of water. good luck! you can do it!

Honestly, walk longer and faster on your walks. Then start jogging for as long as you can, with intervals of walking until your heart rate returns to normal. You ll be able to jog longer each day. Eventually, try to jog for a few miles daily without stopping. It is the best way to do it; you can drop 20 lbs in a couple of months pretty easily (without a lot of change in eating habits).

Exercises, Exercises(cardio,swimming,jogging,spinni�� arm exercises, crunches, back exercises, some yoga or belly dancing) drink plenty of water, get a seaweed wrap, drink plenty of milk and eat healthy and proper portions of food. Congrates! on the engagement and pending wedding. Go on and wow them.

walking doesn t always help you loose WEIGHT to begin with. Yes you will start loosing weight with walking. You need to measure yourself when it comes to walking. You will loose lots of inches. Walking builds muscle which weighs more but it is smaller. My friend lost around 80 lbs with a diebetic diet. Mostly she had fruits like grapes and banana s for breakfast, she did not eat more than 45 carbs for each of her meals, not more than 15 carbs for each of her snacks. She would eat more often during the day which kept her full but with the small snacks she burned them off just by doing normal things. Eating 3 regular meals and 3 snacks is a good start. You can buy those 100 cal snacks which are really good and if you eat often you will be full. Do lots of fruit just stay away from the melons and stuff like that because they have lots of carbs. You can get a smaller plate for your 3 main meals.Your body stores anything over 45 carbs. So you would gain weight by eating anymore than your body needs to function. Don t starve yourself your body stores more food that way because it thinks it may not get any more nutrition for a long time. Want to thin down your legs, thighs and hinney area? Do squats. Start with small squats as far as you can go and still be straight. Do lots of them throughout the day. You will see you can start doing more and more. You will be able to squat further down over time. This will help you get into smaller pants. Happy loosing..

I started a Cardio kickboxing class. It s a 10 week bootcamp course. Highly recommend it!

Congratulations, first off!!! Not to scare you, but when you quit smoking, if does cause you to gain weight. I gained close to 20 lbs. SUCKS! But, it s awesome you quit smoking. You re doing the right thing though. Run or walk, exercise and don t eat a whole lot and drink lots of water. Good Luck!

luv that elliptical. got one stationed in the living room. so when i start to pass thru to the kitchen i hop on. wedding also is in 5 months working on those 20lbs good luck