Saturday, January 20, 2007

HELP! weight loss tips in a really hot area? -

I m in Africa right now (so its super hot) and I want to lose weight before I go back to North America. I m going back July 2010. And i want to lose like 30 lbs before then. Any tips?

drink looooottttsss of water and keep moving (exercise) alot.I also doubt that you would eat alot because of the climate there.remember to not starve yourself just eat small portions.

I don t believe that being hot or cold is a major factor in losing weight. The basic principles of weight loss applies in both climates.Just make sure that you lose the weight correctly. Correct weight loss essentially means losing fat while holding on or building on your existing muscles. This is the only way you could sustain the weight loss. If you need more information about what is correct weight loss, read this article;��Here is an article that gives you 11 points that you could do today to start losing weight tomorrow. Hope you find this helpful :��It may also be worthwhile to be aware of the 10 habits that could potentially be making you fat. This may be helpful so that you are aware of some of the habits that could be stealthily making you gain or hold on to your weight :��

Drink loads of water, and don t eat 3 set meals a day, try eating 5 smaller ones. If you don t have time for that, just snack between meals on nuts, fruit or yoghurt etc. This means your body is constantly energized and ready to burn fat. Obviously, I d recommend exercising 3 times a week (30-60 mins each time) as this will boost your metabolism and burn calories. If you re looking for a really easy and cheap way to lose weight, try drinking green tea. It s full of antioxidants (keep you healthy) and has been proven to boost the metabolism and aid in weight loss. You can get a pack of about 25 bags for maybe a dollar.

Ohkay, well first off : DRINK A LOT OF WATER!!!I m not sure if you have access to a lot of fresh, clean water in Africa though. But definitely do not drink sugary drinks. All yo u do is make your fat cells bigger. And no soda either, that s like the worst drink for you and it causes hair to grow on your chest. I m not recommending this, but my friend only drank water for a week, ate nothing else, and lost 10-15 pounds. Also, I would recommend going vegetarian/vegan. Vegetables have a smaller calorie content than meat does, and meat weighs you down. Vegetables are also really healthy, and I think it d be safer to not eat meat in Africa. If you can t go out for exercise, stay in. Just do some exercises, crunchers, jogging, hula hooping, sit ups, and whatever else you can do indoors, where it s cold. You should try piloxing! (pilates boxing). You can google some easy routines. I m pretty sure you have plenty of time.

Hiaa dont listen to the moron saying things that clean out your pipes , there basically laxitives , and they will mess up your internal system and then you may have to have a permanent illiostomy or collostomy.... and thats not worth it for weight loss.I Reccomend exercise like jogging a few miles each day and a simple eating plan.Hopee i helped you x

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try the lil jack workout�� it can help

Eat fiber rich foods together with proper exercise. To learn more on how to lose weight effectively, you can visit