Thursday, January 18, 2007

Im trying to lose weight but i love to eat candy help? -

okay im a beautiful girl not trying to sound conciented but im persian and i have long black hair and hazel eyes im 5 4 and i am 135 lb i wanna be 110 so help any weight loss tips?

Hi! Here are steps that i took to lose some unwanted fat. Hope it will help you be successful on overcoming your lust for candy :)First, get a support system: If you explain this problem with people close to you, or even the people who supply what you eat a home (PARENTS), it will make the job so much easier for yourself..By telling close ones, you will have encouragement, support, and motivation if it gets tough. I know, it may be embarrassing or difficult to explain but it s such an important step to fixing the problem.Second, plan for the long run: Diets are suppose to be a change of lifestyle, not just a short term project. Plan for the long run; question yourself. Will you go back to your candy loving habits after you ve reached your desired weight, or will you change the way you think of eating candy. Successful diets keep you eating healthy for the rest of your life, not for a certain amount of time.Third, DO NOT set impossible weight goals. If you go by setting a weight goal that is daunting, ( like 135 to 110), right now would be a good idea to throw that out of the picture. EVERY person is different and your body will determine what weight is healthy for you. All you need to do on your part is eat in healthy proportions and with a combination of exercise and watch the changes start to take place.Fourth, DIETS DON T WORK. Every reference i make to diets, just replace it with Eating in Proportions . Diets that you see in ads or the television ( i.e. South Beach Diet) don t work in the long run. Yes you lose impressive amounts of weight, but for how long? They never show people years later after using the diet, do they? NO! Because all these diets are unnatural to the human body and limit what you can eat. Eating no carbs as a diet requirement will only end with failure. BUT, theres still hope; EATING IN PROPER PROPORTIONS IS THE ONLY WAY. You can eat anything you want, but NEVER too much of it. Fat is the unused energy from what you drink and eat. Meaning this; Your body can only use up so much energy at a time, the excess is turned into fat. Eating in Proportions is the only way to truly change how you eat for a healthy lifestyle.Fifth, Exercise is a MUST Humans are meant to move, so do what your made to do; Get exercise, especially if you really want to get your self into awesome shape. Changing the way you eat is only half the battle, exercising will ensure success. I can t stress this enough, you need a prober combination of a healthy eating habits and exercise!I hope this helps you with your goal!

First go see a doctor and get a complete examination to make sure you can lose that much weight for your age. Your Ideal Body Weight (IBW) must be maintained otherwise you are asking for worst problems than carrying around a few extra pounds. You don t say if you re a child (under 18) or an adult (over 18) so see a doctor first.If the doctor says you can lose 25 pounds I suggest you do the following. Drink one 12 ounce glass of warm or tap water with 1 tabelspoon of honey and a twist of lemon 30 minutes before each meal and one glass between meals. This will help you kill the hunger so you will eat less. The stomach sends enzymes to the brain until it is full . The glass of water helps fill up the stomach without adding too many calories helping you eat less food. As you eat less food, your body begins to burn stored fat to keep from starving. In turn the weight comes down.Since you are eating less, your body will eat itself down to the weight you re looking to achieve. If you make it a life long routine, you will alway have the body you want without starving yourself.Now get into the habit of eating more veggies and fruits. Red meat no more than twice weekly. Eat seafood and white meat like Turkey and chicken as often as you want. Eat beans of all kinds to provide your body with the protein it needs for build or upkeep muscle. When the body stops finding stored fat to burn for energy, it begins to destroy muscle to get the engery fuel it needs. You do not want that. Your description of yourself puts an image in my mind that is very beautiful. Keep it that way. Don t overdo the weight loss stuff.

Lets put it straight. Losing weight is not that hard, You will never hear me say that it is. All it takes is dedication, motivation and hard work !--There are some fairly simple changes that will greatly improve your chances of weight loss success. Check this out to loss weight, best, most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply eat right and exercise. Good diet, minimize saturated fat, use monounsaturated fat-- Always check in gradients of everything you are buyingRelaxation, stress and strain never allow people to be slim.

you want to lose weight but love candy...hhmmm...which do you love more?... the taste of candy, or the results you desire. If you want the results give up the candy. If you love the candy to much, well, no results.This should change your perspective.If you want something bad enough, you do whatever you have to do to get it.

I m trying to lose weight too and it s sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it s really working for her (100% natural). I m gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $4.95 shipping and handling.

I suppose it depends on your age, but that seems unhealthy to want to hit 110.