Sunday, February 11, 2007

Effective weight loss tips? -

how many times a week should i work out?what kind of foods should i eat? (baked, grilled, sauteed, etc)how often should i weigh myself?i don t drink 8 glasses of water. instead i drink 2-3 1L bottles of Smart Water a day, is that okay?Is it safe to drink juice? gatorade? vitamin water?what key foods should i avoid during a diet?how long should a diet last?i feel that the answers to these questions would be my key to help me lose weight that i d wanna lose.another thing is, if i monitor my weight by keeping a log of my progress and foods i eat, how do i know the amount of calories i m intaking?for example; the foods we eat are normally homecooked so i wouldn t know what the calories of grilled steak, sauteed asparagus, with mashed potatoes and/or green beans is.does chewing gum satisfy hunger cravings?i m quickly trying to get my eating habits back on track as i am going to be going back to school soon and beginning a job. if allowing to splurge, how often should be allowed? i have a thing for caffeine that i ve been slowing breaking as well.thanks for all advice! any extra tips are welcome.

I recently lost 35 pounds, so hopefully I can help you out, too :-)Baked, grilled, sauteed, even fried foods are fine, but moderation is, of course, key. Don t assume anything is healthy because it says its grilled, not fried. I ate fried chicken often, but I had one piece. Weigh yourself twice a week at the MOST. Daily weigh-ins only discourage you. Peoples weights fluctuate day to day, which can make you have a panic attack (I sure did)Drink as much water as you can, it s always good. Though, I never get the recommended amount.Dont drink juice, it s packed with sugar and secret calories. I m not positive on Gatorade, but most likely it s full of sugar and should be replaced with water. I drink Vitamin water 10 (the 10 calorie version) it actually tastes better than the 150 calorie stuff. Avoid nothing, if you want pizza, have a slice or two, but not the whole pizza ;) depriving yourself of the foods you loved will never work.As for how long to diet, I haven t got the faintest clue.You can often find the calories of foods online. I used a neat apple Ipod touch/Iphone app called Lose it! that tells you calorie counts and lets you log your food. Chewing gum is fine for a distraction, but I find it makes you actually think about food more.Splurge often, but in little amounts. halve half a bar of chocolate, or a bit of ice cream.Extra tips: Burgers. Burgers burgers burgers. I eat fast food burgers 3-4 times a week. they have lots of fiber, protein, and even some vitamins, and they aren t even that bad for you! Just dont have the fries and soda when you have a burger. This sounds weird, but learn to enjoy feeling hungry. I actually eat less when I m hungry because I enjoy it. Not in a masochistic way, but you actually feel very light and energetic when you re hungry.And finally, dont ever feel like a day is lost . dont think that because I had that doughnut my day is ruined and I should just have the whole box since it doesn t matter anymore. Really. Have the doughnut, go for a 10 minute jog around your living room.Sorry for such a long answer, hope it helps! Good luck!

I m 5 8 and once weighed 165lbs. and didn t exercise much. A friend suggested I go a whole day without eating and it would shrink my stomach and the next time I ate to eat less than I used to. Well it was hell not eating a whole day but it worked. I slowly lost weight and got down to about 150. I ve been as low as 140 but my goal is to keep it below that 150 mark. It s also 30 yrs. later.