Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Help pleze!? -

im on this diet. i weight 148pounds and im so fat.any weight loss tips i shuld kno??

i have the same problem too.im also 148 pounds. but i only drink green tea w/no sugar) i heard that u can drink that instead of water only if its without sugar. but i eat under 1300 calories every day and i also jog 2 miles everyday but go on http://www.sparkteens.com/ it can really help you cuz it helps me. look up my profile http://www.sparkteens.com/mochacoco27.hope it helps.-? 3boobear

HelloFirst, I understand where you re coming from. My name is Mary and I am posting this because I know what it��s like to be over weight and feel your life spiraling out of control. I was almost 360 pounds, struggling with my health and looking for a way out. Seriously, I would have done almost anything to make a change in my life. And I did, with very little success. Pills, therapy, even working out were getting me nowhere.No matter what I tried I never really saw a change because I could not stop my love of eating. It��s so hard for people to understand when they haven��t faced this struggle. Everyone just says that you have to will power. But if you are like me, you know there is much more to it.I realized I was holding my life in my hands and I made the decision to find a way out of my self-inflicted nightmare. After years of struggle and countless nights studying the ins and outs of exercise science I finally stumbled onto a Fat Loss program that caused me to lose 143 pounds and still allowed me to enjoy the foods I love. This is nothing like what you have done before. Fat Loss program changed my life and I could not believe just how easy it was.I want you to discover the key that turned my life around.For more information please visit:http://tiny.cc/rKKnOGood Luck,-Mary

First, 148 isn t so fat . If you re 5 7 or higher, it s actually normal.However, this diet:Make sure you drink lots and lots of water, green tea, and coffee (not too much sugar, tho!)Lots and lots of fresh veggies. I don t care what your diet says, these are GOOD!Good carbs: whole wheat bread, whole wheat noodles, brown rice, or potatoes... but limit these, as they are starches and fill you up fast.Meat, nuts, and beans are necessary, too... fish is very, very healthy... but these should also be limited to maybe one portion every two days.Milk, yoghurt, cheese, and butter... are good, but I d keep it down as much as possible. If you count calories, try to keep it under 1700... and as you lose weight, lessen the calories until they re about 1500 (but not less!)Exercise!!!!! Walk instead of drive, or bike. Swimming is probably the best exercise for your entire body. Dancing is a lot of fun, so are other sports, if you re a sport person. Your body needs to burn calories to lose lbs. Have FUN with it... maybe do your diet with a friend so you don t cheat ... and don t obsess with it. 148 isn t all that bad! :-)Good luck!

Make sure you eat breakfast - most important meal of the day and it jump starts your metabolism. Eat six small meals during the day like this: Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Eat lean meats like chicken with skin removed, (white meat only), fish, lean beef, cottage cheese is a really great protein also (1%) Eat lots of vegetables and at least 3 fruits per day. Avoid potatoes, white bread and sugar. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Try going for a walk every day at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes.

Yea i can help you drink lots of water and this might sound weird lol but checking if your pee is dark and light is something you should do if its light your drinking enough water and should keep at it to lose more weight and if its dark you need to drink some more and more till it turns light it really helps and keeps you healthy=]

first of all quit complaining your fat your fat.. wahhh wahh.. you you have a little bit extra whatever.. eat healthy, exercise, drink 8-10 cups of water a day. once you get out of the pitty me i m so fat stage. then you can start thinking for the better and lose weight! now if you were 299 lbs like some people then you can say ur fat!

well first of all what kind of diet are you on?