Thursday, February 22, 2007

I need quick weight loss tips? -

What are some tips for healthy living and quick weight loss?

Hi Stephanie!You know quick weight loss tips are not always the answer for healthy living. Weight loss involves a lot of hard work and determination. Here is an article I found that should help you on your way to finding quick weight loss tips.

Hi,StephanieYou are not the only person with this problem. My Friend Kate was the same with you�� She join the plan Extremely Fast Weight Loss System two months ago. This System work well, and now kate is slim more and more. Kate is still persist in using the inside ways. Here is the url of Extremely Fast Weight Loss System :��I hope this information is useful to you. Good Luck!

Forget all the quick weight loss gimmicks. Adjust your diet so that you are eating healthy food -no junk. Eat fruits and veggies, a little chicken or fish. Drink lots of water. And exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Believe me, that s the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

You should have a look this method that I tried. It works amazing for me and I lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks. You can find more info from

Yep exercising for sure...i got a little help as well as this, cus i kinda hate blog has some info on what i ve come across as helpful

lots of exercise or for quickness acai berrygood luck

Please read this site more useful for you.��

1. Breakfast is Must. The most important meal of a day. Fast is broken that your body has been on for the last 6-9 hours during sleeping. Those who takes break fast have better weight management ability.2 Drinking Water is best -Plenty of water! The First weak Drink 1-2 liters then after a weak drinks 2-3 liters a day...3. Start Eating Regularly! Eat every 3 hours. This helps your body to fight off cravings, gives your body a smoother energy level throughout the day, will help you eat less at meal times and will keep your hunger at bay.4. Eat 5 Times a day. Breakfast, small snack mid morning, Lunch, small snack mid afternoon, evening meal no later.5. Excersise is Must! Eating healthily will make you lose weight but you will lose more and feel better by doing some exercise. It wills tight loose skin after weigh loss created6. After Exercise get enough sleep! The body repairs and grows during sleep but also adapts to changes in eating habits too.7. Please keep notice carbohydrates! In most culture the fat is considered the worst guy but you to keep watch carbohydrates. The energy is created by curb and if we eat too many crabs it gets turned into fat if we don t burn them off. The body slows down during the late afternoon and Please avoid eating tons of potatoes, pasta or pastry type rice, is not good.8. Please maintain food diary. This will helps what to eat or not, means where are you now your weight, where has to go desired weight, how will get it , through diet exercise sleeping.9. Stop calorie count? Please be motivated when you loose weight celebrate it ,when you feel hungry please drinks water as much you can means drinking water between your meals will help keep hunger under control.10. Try to eat healthy foods available. articles