Thursday, February 15, 2007

Need serious advice to lose weight? -

Okay, I have wanted to lose weight for the longest time. But every time I try, I lack motivation and its gets to the point where i have just given up because losing weight seems impossible. I start off everyday saying okay this is the day im going to eat right and workout and by the end of the day i thnk about what i have eaten and feel disgusted with myself. I am currently in the process of making myself a 4 week plan to jumpstart weight loss. I am making a workout calender and knocking certain things out of my diet. Ultimately though I need help. I need some good weight loss tips that have worked for you or maybe a sucess story to get me going. I want to know things like what di i do if i get a really bad craving for something? or what if i miss a workout? also just some basic tips work too. What gets you motivated and how can i motivate myself even at the worst of times? And for people qualified to answer when can i expect results? Thanks for answering everything you can or even just letting me know youll cheer me on!heres my body profile .5 9190 poundsfemale18 years of agemost unsatisfied with cellulite (BUTT AND THINGHSS!!) gained weight always goes to my lower body.also want to be thinner overall.( stomache, back, arms.)anything else you want to know just ask!thank you for everything.

Food:Stay away from white grains like pasta, bread, flour, and rice. When eating grains go for whole wheat, it��s a lot healthier and has fewer calories. When eating meat, always go for lean or extra lean if available. Also stay away from junk food �C of course! But, don��t demonize it, because if you are the type who loves their chocolate bars and you completely cut yourself off, you��ll only want them more. Cut down you junk intake to once a week, and on the day you have that chocolate bar make a mental note to get an extra 15 minutes of exercise that day.Make sure you drink lots of water; it helps your metabolism and hydrates your body (obviously). If you don��t drink enough water your body will think its going to be starved, and will go into ��survival mode�� �C this��ll cause your body to retain all the water you do drink and all the fat it can get because its preparing to be starved. Also, drinking green tea every morning increases your daily metabolism by 17%. You can take vitamin b complex to increase your metabolism as well. Try eating 5 small meals a day to keep your metabolism working, and never skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast will slow your metabolism for the day!When you snack only snack on fruits and veggies �C they��re nutritious and delicious! And low in calories. My doctor recommended eating a slice of cheese with a piece of fruit as a snack so your also getting protein with your fruit. Try to stop eating after 7 pm, and only drink tea, milk, or water after that. This��ll prevent you from going to bed with food in your stomach that won��t be burned while you��re sleeping; it��ll just get turned into fat that you don��t want.Exercise:For exercise, make sure you get AT LEAST 30 minutes a day, but I��d recommend 60 minutes. Do cardio exercise every day as well as strength exercises like push ups and crunches. Combining the two exercises will help to prevent having saggy skin once you��ve lost weight. Swimming can be a good strength exercise if you like going to the pool or lake �C it tones everything at once and its fun! While you��re doing cardio (like jogging or running) make a routine that��ll challenge you but not over work you. Try running for 5 minutes then walking for 5. If that gets too easy try running for 6 walking for 4 etc.Motivation:Think about what really makes you want to lose weight, what really bothers you when you see it and you re like wtf i wanna be like that. For me, I put a picture of the body I ultimately aim for as my screen saver on my computer because I m on my comp every day. Every time i see that picture when I m closing my comp (prob to go get something to eat) I get frustrated and instead of eating i have a big glass of water. It helps me. I also get frustrated when I see people I know that are sooo skinny and I m like wtf. When I m feeling really lazy and unmotivated I think back to when I felt like that and it usually gets me off my butt. I m also someone s fitness bud over texting. I motivate her and we share achievements through the week on exercise we ve gotten or when we ve cheated and had junk we tell each other to run like hell. It seems to help too so try finding someone that can push you and motivate you!Seeing Results:You probably won t see much results until you ve lost a fair amount of weight. This isn t because your not changing, but because your so used to seeing yourself every day so the little changes you don t see. Others will start complimenting you before you notice anything. Some people don t realise they ve lost weight until all of a sudden their pants are saggy or one day when they re walking they notice their inner legs don t rub together anymore. No matter what, don t let yourself get discouraged if you don t see results right away. Remember this isn t something temporary. In order to keep the weight off you have to change your eating habbits and your lifestyle.If you need anymore help let me know.

You should have right info if you want to lose weight. You can use program that I lost 19 pounds in 6 weeks. It works fast and It will work for you too. You can get more info from

Nearly 6 years ago, I started Atkins low carb way of eating to just quit gaining weight. I had to get my out of control appetite under control. I never imagined I could LOSE weight without hunger or exercise, since I ve become disabled. I never bothered weighing or measuring til I d noticed that my clothes got huge quick. When my health improved dramatically also, I knew this was my new way of life and since it s eat all you want (of low carb foods) I know I can do this for life.My personal carb level is low. I am older disabled don t move much (or cook much) but I eat all I want of meats, eggs, cheeses, yogurt, fats, green vegetables, almonds, berries, flax seeds, chia seeds, shirataki noodles and other foods. Someone active would have a MUCH higher carb level can usually include all fruits, beans, whole grain products but not sugar highly refined carbs in unlimited amounts. As long as you have 9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control shouldn t gain weight, no matter the calories.Overweight obese people have blood sugar insulin dysfunctions and can NEVER eat carbs as someone with a functioning body can. They make the mistake of going back to the way of eating that made them fat and that is not possible and yes they will gain all weight back if they eat what they ate that made them obese originally. Insanity is defined as doing the exact same thing, in the exact same way and expecting different results. Many people can return to moderate carb levels but very few can really eat all they want of sugar maintain weight or health.You can lose more body fat eating protein fat (don t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast, eat all you want, but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter half an avocado a day (for added potassium). Keep the calories high the fat percentage high, at least 65% of calories. Green vegetables some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace.The first 2 weeks eat several cups a day of (mostly) lettuce celery, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms, peppers more vegetables thereafter - add 5 grams per day additional every week (20 grams day first 2 weeks, 25grams 3rd week, 30grams 4th week etc) til you gain weight, then subtract 10grams. That will be your personal carb level (everyone is different depends on how active you are.)Start with meat, fats salads for 2 weeks and then slowly add in more green veg, wk4 fresh cheeses, wk5 nuts seeds, wk6 berries, wk7 legumes, wk8 other fruits, wk9 starchy veg, wk10 whole grains. You will learn how your body reacts to different foods. The first week is just water weight but fat is lost thereafter if you keep your calories high enough. Otherwise the body will strip it s own lean tissue for nutrition. Although that may look great on a scale it will make it MUCH easier to accumulate fat in the future (since all that pesky lean tissue burning up calories will be gone). The body won t release fat stores if you lower calories below what it needs. It will slow metabolism to compensate store every spare ounce as fat. If you continue lowering calories, it will continue lowering the set point, til it can survive off nothing store fat on anything. The body will only release it s fat stores if it knows there is plenty of nutritious food.Eating carbs while trying to lose body fat is terribly inefficient. When in glycolysis (burning glucose as fuel) you have to lower your calories (which slows your metabolism) exercise heavily to deplete your glycogen stores before burning body fat.The core of Atkins program is converting the body from glycolysis (burning glucose as fuel) to ketosis (burning fat as fuel). Dietary fat levels need to be at 65% of total calories, if not, the body will still remain in glycolysis by converting 58% of excess protein into glucose (via gluconeogenesis).It takes minimum of 3 days to convert a body to ketosis, (but only one bite to convert back to glycolysis). People feel sluggish the first week but most feel better than ever thereafter.Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) trigger insulin which can store the calories eaten into fat. The more protein the more the fat burning hormone glucagon is released. The more carbohydrate the more the fat storage hormone insulin is released.High insulin levels promote inflammation, weight gain, hunger unbalance other hormones. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones allow human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase muscle mass with high HGH levels.Ground flax seed (2 Tbsp) 1/4 cup water, artificial sweetener, mix in a raw egg - let sit 10 min. to absorb liquid, put some cream cheese in the middle nuke 2 minutes. Suggested for daily fiber needs.

My husband has tried to lose weight for months with no success on his own. I have to say that he joined Weight Watchers online and has dropped 7 pounds in his first 3 weeks. The main thing about it is that you keep track of what you are eating online, and all food has a number of points to it, and you are given a total number of points you can have for the day (plus some bonus points for the week), and you monitor your points as you eat. It REALLY helped him understand how much he was eating and how to make better food choices. He also read package labels and eliminated foods that were high in fat/calories such as mac and cheese, olives, ice cream...yes, there is a fee but he feels it is well worth it. You may be able to access some of the info without paying, not sure though. And of course, a biggie is to just eliminate high fat foods from your diet. For myself, I lost a lot of weight when I eliminated chips, cookies and soda from my diet. Good luck

I would suggest getting or using a treadmill and just walk, you don��t have to run, just move. Make sure you do that every day though, keep going for longer and faster as time goes by. Just do this for a week straight and you will want to do this more. If not a treadmill, Just take walks around, or do stuff that involves moving. You must stop eating all those fattening foods though to actually see improvement. I just go off one simple rule, and that is to only eat low fat foods. There are a lot of low fat foods out there that are amazingly good. Go out to the grocery store and just buy a bunch of foods with low fat. For example, Skim Milk is a must for losing weight. Veggies and Fruits, etc. What gets most people motivated is after a week or couple weeks of seeing improvements, you get motivated to do more since you are actually seeing improvements, it keeps you going. Play your songs loud when exercising. How to get rid of a craving, This works for me, I don��t know about other people. But when I have a craving for pop, I just drink a glass of water and my craving is gone. Keep in mind, when you stop eating all those fattening foods you will have LOTS of cravings. It will be really hard to resist. Just wait it out. be strong. Day 1: 30 Mins of cardio (exercise Bike, Treadmill, any kind of cardio machine, Walking fast, running, etc..)Day 2: 40 Minsof cardioDay 3: 50 Mins of cardioDay 4: 60 Mins of cardioDay 5: RestDay 6: 35 Mins of CardioDay 7: 45 Mins of Cardioif that isn t enough, do 1 hour + cardio workouts, that should get fat burnin. As days progress try to push yourself, do cardio workouts till you sweat, work hard, and don��t give up. Just move those legs! Make sure you push yourself. You will see results in less than a month if you eat healthy and do cardio every day.But most importantly, Put the fat foods down, you will lose weight by just simply having a better diet and doing daily cardio.

Get rid of all temptation. Trust me from expierance if I have to pick between ice cream and an apple, the apple will always win.What worked for me:1 month diet (anybody can do 30 days right)Rice, chicken broth, vegitables and fruits that contain high water content. Almonds (for protien) and Slim Fast. Oh yeah and water. Have as much as the above listed but nothing else. Helps if you get rid of the other stuff. After 30 days your stomach has shrunk and you can now start incorpeating lean meats and full salads. Stay away from sugar for another 30 days. During this time a 4 day a week 1 hour a day excersise regiment should be incorperated. In 6 months you will be looking your best!