Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Losing weight for my modeling? -

NY is really demanding. Most models are at least 5 8 and are 100-110 pounds. I don t think I ll ever get that low. I m 5 7 and 128 right now. I m really thin but have areas I could trim down. Once I trim down completely, I really don t think I ll be that low. Maybe 110-120 if I am lucky. I m not willing to starve myself. I don t want health problems or a dampened metabolism. Do you think I have heavy bones? My dad is under 6 and told me he s over 210. I couldn t believe it. He looks maybe 180. How much more weight can heavy bones ad? I have a small-medium frame. Also, do you have any healthy weight loss tips? Anyone or any models want to share? Thanks!

Your bulk is probably muscle as much as fat. At your size, you don t really want to do a lot of cardio which can increase muscle (in a bad way). You want muscle, but you want LONG muscles. You need to lengthen your muscles. Yoga, ballet and stretching are great ways to elongate your body and loose body mass. Pilates is excellent, if you have a reputable instructor. You shouldn��t ��feel the burn�� as that would indicate a tearing of the muscles (increasing bulk). You should become more flexible during your workouts. Also, watch out for water retention! Excess salt can make you hold water in your tummy, thighs, and glutes. Drink lots of water, but avoid salt at all costs when its show time.Take care of yourself. Watch your stress level. Have a plan for after modeling.

add lots of citrus to your diet. i m sure you ve heard of the grapefruit diet ( a fad in the 80 s ). a new study came out not too long ago showing that there actually is something behind it.i did it with tangerines before i even realized it, and wound up loosing 1lb every 1-2 days. it definately works, you just have to eat the fruit constantly, before and after meals. it s really amazingand yeah, bone width and density differ from person to person. i have heavier or thick bones. i look about the same as girls who weight 5-10lbs less than me, so it s probable.

have your dr do a bone density test.

Just be happy the way you are

Have more sex. Sexerciseing has shown to burn alot of calories depending on how long the guy lasts and/or if toys are used.

I dont think runway modeling is for you if you are only 5 7, but I have never seen you walk and i dont know how good you are. I think but I think cardio would be your best bet. Cardio and dieting will take the weight off. and if at the end of that you are only 120, i REALLY dont think runway is for you. BUT there is still commerical print modeling, which mite be better for you. GOOD LUCK!! I hope it all works out for the best. wait commercial print, you dont have to be a stick figure, so just get into the best shape you can. commercial really has No hight or weight requirements. it a plus to be a smaller weight, but not required. so just work out, eat right, and keep your body in good up. also if you gain muscle you would be perfect for sports ads, I know a lot of girls who have done it.