Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weight Loss Dilemma? -

Hellooo. I ve got a small potbelly, and I really hate it. My arms, legs, face and etc. are really well proportioned and toned, but my stupid stubborn stomach is always there. I m even getting into a habit of sucking in at school and stuff. So these are my questions:1. What are excersises I can do without equiptment to get rid of the excess stomach fat?2. I used to eat a LOT, and now I m trying to eat more in moderation, but when I see my favorite foods, it s really hard to not eat them! Help me get over them?3. What are some really good overall weight loss tips?

Excercises you can do to get rif of your tummy:1. Do 30 situps in the morning and before you go to bed.2. crunches - but your legs up at a 90 degree angle and bend at your knees. Cross your arms over your chest and lift your torso up from the abdominals. Hold for three seconds. Try for 3 sets of 15 and work your way up to 4 sets of 50.3. leg lifts - lay flat on the ground, feet together, hands under your glutes. Lift your legs six inches of the ground, hold for a few seconds, bring legs back down without touching the ground and then repeat. Try for three sets of twenty.If you really want a flat stomach then in any free time you have like while watching tv or something just do ll start seeing results in a fe days.Also, lay off the carbs because the more carbs you eat, the more water your body stores (usually around your stomach making you look bloated adding to the potbelly).To make it easier to not eat the foods you love are get rid of all those chip bags or split them into little baggies with the number of chips/ other junky food it says for a serving size. That way if you MUST have it you can take one baggie instead of the whole bag and be less tempted to eat more. Stuck up on dried fruits if you have the need for something sweet and eat as many fresh veggies as you want! Once you get into the habbit of eating healthy it will be easier to stick with it!Lastly, Walk, Walk, Walk!!!! running and walking is really good for overall weight loss!! I would suggest running but you may want to work your way up to that and start of with brisk walking....keep in mind, you need to walk for fifty minutes to get the equivelant of a twenty minute run. Jump roping and other cardio activities are really good for over all weight loss as well!Hope I helped =] Good luck!

..EXERCISE!.......drink lots of water, ..sit ups - crunches....

Weight training, crunches, any movements that strengthen your core. Avoid foods and drinks that cause water retention such as soda. Cut out excess fat to help lose those last few pounds.

cardio and dont eat alot of salty foods

Do roll ups or some other pilates moves. But roll ups are good. They are equivalent to about 15 sit ups, but feel so much easier. Also, crunches and sit ups can hurt your neck, these won t. You can look up how to do them on google.Or, you can lie on your back on the floor, stretch your legs out so they are straight, keep them together and lower them towards the floor, as much as you can. Stay like this for a while, it helps your abs

1. Crunches, they build muscle which will burn fat in your tum tum. Oh and cardio exercises such as treadmilling, etc.2. When you have a sugary craving, go for fruit or low calorie sweets.3. Eat smaller meals 3 times a day, do a lot of cardio exercises.

do lots and lots of crunches

It can be very simple. Brisk walk daily for atleast 45 mins and you can forget about all other excercises. Have your dinner atleast 2.5 hrs before going to bed. Drink warm water in between lke 3-4 cups whenever you get a chance. This will certainly help and its so easy. Also, this is something that worked for me very well. Try to pull your stomach in. I use to have this tummy popping out and my mom always hit me whenever she saw my tummy out and would ask me to pull it in. It was hard but with few months of constant trying to push it in , now its been 7 yrs I am out of this problem. But the idea is to push it in all the time, specially when walking and sitting and doing household work.

STOP EATING MEAT- ITS HORRIBLE FOR YOU!your body wasn t made to process other animals- it adds POUNDS that you can t get rid of.if you are die hard serious about this, you should be eating salads, fruits, and water all day. No bread, dairy, or nuts.Drinking Vinegar actually helps you lose weight- it speeds up your metabolism, and exercise is a major part of losing weight- note: you cannot lose weight without cardioyou should be running and doing crunches each day, try dancing too! even just dancing around your room burns a lot of caloriesthere are a million things you could do.

You should do more cardio, along with a good diet low in fat. You can do all the crunches in the world and you still wont have a six pack if you have fat around it. You can also check out they have alot of article about burning the fat around the stomach area.

you need to retrain yourself to crave the right foods....this is easily done with taking Superfoods,Probiotics, and enzymes. Chances are, you need to do a Parasite cleanse. We all have them, and they show up as visceral fat (belly fat). Pure water, and lots of it helps...would be best if it were restructured water though...good luck.

You should really just go on the treadmill and do as many crunches as it takes to get to the weight you want to be at. Dont starve yourself or anything just cut on the foods that can be a problem when your trying to loose that weight.