Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weight loss tips, please help? -

okay, first im 14 and i weigh around 68 kgs, i am 172cm tall. i would like too lose about 5 kilos i wanna be around 60-63 kgs. i wanna lose it mainly on my stomach, i do sit ups and crunches reguarly and i would like too be able too see my abs, you can only see them faintly after i workout. anyone help me ? i dont want nothing hardcore something easy. btw i like my fooood :D

here is what my dietician suggests - follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb. potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category. 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ,ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. have a protein shake too, if you want. it will fight the fat and give you extra energy to exercise. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Needless to say, NO soda, chips, cookies! Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like. get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.abs are the most troublesome area to tone. Kickboxing helps a lot. because it is cardio plus it targets ab muscles.

diet + exercise. ok ill start really basic with you. you have to burn what you eat. the energy you mainly get is from sugar, fats and carbohydrates.that means STOP EATING JUNK FOOD and replace it with healthy food. if you can t do this then you will never be healthy.and for exercises, you want to do cardio exercises which involve your heartbeat being fast such as running, swimming, biking and rowing. most of the information you find out on the internet is a lie. there is no easy way to lose weight, but it can be done if you put some effort it.

Weight Loss Tips��----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��

if you really want to lose your weight.don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts and drink fresh juices.for more info visit the below website.