Sunday, May 13, 2007

I have a food problem? -

i dont particularly like eating cos i need to lose weight, so i try to avoid it as much as possible, but sometimes i cant help myself and eat ridiculous amounts of food. then i feel sad for the rest of the day and want to throw up. sometimes i do make myself throw up but its not good so im trying not to now. my question is whats wrong with me for food to make me sad? and has anyone got any good weight loss tips?

i feel your pain. i m pretty slim and i like to keep it that way. if i eat too much, i feel crappy...and sad. you could eat super healthy 6 days out of the week and have a cheat day on the 7th. you can eat whatever you want on that 7th day, but dont over-do it. that s the way i get by.

Hi, I know what you feel like. Don t avoid food because once your body thinks it s starving it will retain anything you eat especially when you start to binge eat, so you are better off eating if you need to rather than starving then binging. You could try and do the atkins diet, it works. OR try one of them Oprah diets, most diets work, you just have to adjust them at times to suit you, i.e. we don t all weigh the same, so you may need to reduce your calories to lose weight. You can still eat a lot of meals in a day with less calories and you will surprisingly lose weight. goo luck

It sounds like you might have an eating disorder honey.. Have you ever heard of bulimia? Bulimics binge (eat large amounts), feel guilty, and so purge (be sick to remove it from their bodies). You don t have to be making yourself sick all the time to be bulimic, though, but it does sound like you may have an eating disorder. You re not alone in this, i myself used to be Anorexic, and would feel so awfully guilty if i ate anything over 300 calories a day at one point. The thing to do is talk this over with someone; feeling like this isn t how you have to go on.. Eating, and giving your body energy, isn t supposed to be a guilty act.. If you want to lose weight, try and set yourself a daily target - if you eat over it, do exercise to burn the excess off. Trust me, that will be far better..

You have an unhealthy relationship with food at the moment, I say that because it can be fixed. If a GP has checked u out and its not physical then your body is rejecting the food because of something psychological.No one likes that word because we tend to think something is wrong with us . My best advice from personal experience is to sit down and be brutally honest with yourself about the good and bad things in your life all of them. Then formulate a plan to tackle each of them. ITs not an overnight process. so start with small meals if you still feel hungry have a glass of water. Very important to eat slowly and chew properly.We have trouble with food sometimes because its the easiest thing in our lives to control. Also go and see a dietician so they can get you the food your body needs and help you.

It sounds like you re verging on Bulimia Nervosa, an eating disorder. You need to get therapy, honey.

if u abstain from food after a while u tend to binge cardio exercise, yoga, pilates its great to burn fat and it will tone ur body as well, drink 8-10 glasses of water. no pasta and no rice and no junk food and low carb.U should have a healthy balanced diet have more fibre and protein in your diet they keep you full and energized and you should have small meal every 3 hours and don��t eat before 3 hrs of going to bed. check this site for article on how to increase metabolism, soup the hunger satiated, fat burning foods, lazy way to lose weight, high protein diet and fibre and more fibre this should get you started and very easy to follow with great results������������