Friday, May 18, 2007

Quick weight loss tips? 10 POINTS WILL BE AWARDED TO BEST ANSWER!!!? -

I do not necessarily want to lose weight, but there are so many things going around about weight loss that I just wonder what is true and what isn t. So what are some weight loss tips that actually work?Thank You! :-]

Drinking water (cold) makes your metabolisn work faster, hence losing more weight... =)drinking lots of water helps you go to the restroom more, therefore you clean our your system better and lose water weight =)..keeping away from cokes, chips, sweets helps a lot...(experience)...=Dexercising 3-4 times a week (running, then some crunches) is great!-dancing latin music gets your heart happy and your abs tight =)

Then here are some good weight loss tips.Watch what you eat- Of all the good weight loss tips available, watching what you eat is probably the most important It is just a fact that you are what you eat, if it is going to be junk in its going to be junk out. Energy fueling and producing foods such as carbohydrates are exactly what their description entails, should the energy which it supplies not be burnt by exercise or your normal daily activities it will go to zone on your body with a fat reservation tendency. In other words you will pile on the pounds if you only eat and live an inactive life.Realistic goals- Do not set unrealistic weight loss goals for yourself. Take your overall dimension into consideration in other words your BMI as well as your endurance when calculating your ideal weight. A woman with a bigger bone structure with a height of 2 metres will look terrible if she sets a goal weight of 40 kilogram s. Stop comparing yourself to other people especially celebrities. Other peoples lives are not as rosy as it appears. Be thankful for that which you have been Blessed with.Food labels- Food label reading, dissecting and serious consideration should be part of each and every trip to the supermarket. Take the time to check what the ingredients are as well as the amount or level of each ingredient. Words such as saturated, trans fat and tartrazine should send some serious diet warning lights flashing. Calorie count should also be checked.Starvation- It is very important to steer clear from starvation and quick-fix diets. These types of weight loss regimes are only destined for failure due to the fact that the human body does not like any overnight changes to it. You body needs to get use to change at a very gradual pace. Quick fixes also have a tendency to back-fire terribly on the dieter, causing weight gain after loss of much more than the initial loss.

The things I find helpful is lots of water, watermelon,eat smaller portions and more portions,lots of leafy salads even things like cucumbers, things with low carbs, vegetables and fruit reduced fat lean meal, chicken, fish you can eat or drink what ever you want just look at carbs , fat calories and protein and don t eat anything higher than you are aloud to eat or you will gain weight, exercise a lot and don t be afraid to sweat. walk or run or bike , use weighs or calisthenics s These things will work pills may help some people end up in the hospital because some pills have to much caffeine each person is taking a chance with each pill they try.

stop eating twinkies, cookies and doughnuts so you don t become a fat *** half breed like samoa joe.

Burn more calories than you take in. So that means exercise!

drink water :)

Ohhh I love 10 it is. Eat healthy eat less limit your snacks and be happy all the time (good for your heart and intestines). Smile and think positive all the time. Get yourself busy so you won t have time to think that you are so fat...believe me this works, this is how I got my husband to marry me. He dropped all his girlfriends (he has 3 girlfriends that earned huge amount of salary at that time) because he got fed up with their wining and always asking if they are so fat and attractive....when he talked to me, i just talk straight no complain no wining, always happy and smiling..boom i was asked if i have a boyfrind and there we go. He owns a big engineering company at the time before we sold it. He is very athletic and very attractive person but i think I present myself as I don t care who you guys are, I m happy about myself to him.But anyway, going back to weight loss, just don t force food in your tummy from a regualr serving. If you feel you are full already, stop eating. We will not get sick from eating small portion each meal, but we will get sick if we eat big meal everytime we eat. Try to accept that we have to throw food in order to live healthy. We cannot eat leftover food because leftover food develop a certain acid on it that could poison our system once we eat them. But we have to eat on time in order for our body not to create a certain chemical (acid) that will eventually poison our system. The same thing right? Our body has the capacity of creating it s own acid, calcium, protient, potassium, fat (good and bad - ldl and hdl), sugar, cholesterol, pH and others that I don t have to mention. So if we eat too much sugary food, some of us will become diabetic because our body is already creating sugar byitself. If we drink or eat too much acidic food, (all meat chicken, pork, beef for example, and all that comes from animals are acidic) soda, low ph water (6.0 ph and below), we or some of us develop acid reflux...these are all imbalance and become chronic if continuously done to the body.Exercise is really to just keep the body to move each cells to where it should so it could do what they should for us. Those people that are stagnant (always sitting for a long time everyday) they develop muscle pain and arthritis, those people that have the huge appetite to eat, they get obese and develop chronic illness because their cells and muscles are not moving, and end up also developing heart disease because their cardio can t take the weight everytime they have to. I guess you get the idea.