Friday, June 22, 2007

Im overweight, How can I lose weight? *10 points best answer*? -

This is not one of those questions that are OMG! I look fat so, I need to lose weight! even though they re perfectly healthy.I m actually about 10 pounds overweight and I want to have a healthy weight both to look better and be healthier.However, I ve never done a thing in my life to lose weight so, I m kind of stuck. I know that I won t follow through with strict diets. So, what are some weight loss tips that will help me lose some weight? I hope to lose it within 2 or 3 months if possible.

Well 2 or 3 months is possible. It is said to only lose 1lb a week.What you do is lose more calories then you eat. You should eat ATLEAST 1200 calories a day.. If under its unhealthy and bad. If you want to lose a pound a week simple. You need to lose 500cal a day. For there is 3500 cals in 1lb. So just exserise till you lose 1700cals in one day and eat around 1200 cal NOT under. Do that everyday for 2 and 1/2 months you have lost 1lbs. Tips: run, walk, jog, sit ups ,push ups, STRETCH before these and after, stair walking, lifting weights, bike riding, dancing silly to fav. song, etc. Eat your fruits and veg. No candy , chocole ,etc. drink 6 glasses of water a day. only water ( and maybe some milk and orange juice.) eat 3 meals a day. No snacking. Get motavation. Visit ur local health store. hope this helped

Be motivated, drink plenty of water, eat healthily and excersize lots.Or just burn off more calories than you consume.That s pretty much all you need to do in a nutshell, ha.Whatever you decide to do though, don t crash diet or starve yourself. Weight management is about long term success, if you crash diet, although you ll be slimmer faster, it s more likely that you ll gain it all back, and possibly more.Good luck. :)

Eat a balanced 5 meals a day (snacks in between to keep your metabolism going) make sure they are healthy, try to cut out bread, rice, pasta, anything white basically, exercise daily (cardio, whole body tone ups) and drink lots of water. Worked for me in about 2 months! not 10lbs. but a couple which was nice!

Eat a balanced diet not some crazy thing where you eat one thing exclusively or anything absurd like that. Work out a few times a week. Jog, walk, swim. Just do something.

I run a mile everyday (outside not on a treadmill) diet (completely ban fastfood) Lots of carrotts apples bananas protein

Here is an article called Top Ten Principles and Tips for Weight Loss. It is very good.

Here are some healthy weight loss tips��

eat less exercise more