Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Weight loss advice pleaseee? -

I m a 15 year old girl, and I weigh about 128 pounds and i m about 5 6 . I am a pescetarian (vegetarian that eats seafood). I m trying to loose about 10 pounds, because I feel so unhealthy and i overeat all the time. I always eat so much because I try not to eat during the day and than at night I go crazy. How do I stop such cravings? Weight loss tips?

Eat three healthy meals a day. Your biggest meals will be at breakfast and lunch. Dinner will be light. The food should sustain your appetite. As a vegan, I make sure that, I choose legumes and whole grains as a mainstay, because this forms a very filling and satiating meal that is rich in protein.The consensus reality about six small meals per day is not based on anything but conjecture. The 6 meal recommendation is bogus. Eat three meals per day at a scheduled time and plan all of your eating. If you want to snack between meals, eat a whole fresh fruit.

Hate to tell you, but red meat, fills you up alot more than a fish. That said, you want to stop cravings, take a good accai berry, that slows down hunger. Or you could work out a little bit to burn the calories. If you are not in good shape, its ok. Just try running a mile, doing maybe 50 pushups throughout the day,as well as situps and squats. If you want to increase fatburn during sleep, go for a walk at night, makes you tired and burns more fat than you think. Don t go overboard trying to lose weight, 5 6 128 is not unhealthy at all.

First if your 5 6 and 128 lbs, your not fat or unhealthy. I m sure ppl say that all the time but you don t listen. My opinion stop eating just grass and shrimp, but thats up to you. Most of the problem is the way you eat. Instead of only eating at night you need to eat more frequent smaller meals all throughout the day. Keeps your metabolism up, helps you burn fat faster..... Oh! And eat a steak sometime, its great.

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well skipping meal isnt a way out... basically i loose 50lb by cutting back on snack. and eat right what i mean is eat in portion... dont pack too much snack and food in the house, that how i did it.. even when i crave for it i dont have any to take it down. haha. also, do alot of activities that the way for me... eat less more burning calories u will loose it .. good luck...

during meal time. . .eat as much as you can. . .be sure your full before you leave the table. . .this would probably avoid your craving. . .uhmmm, i guess.. .its about self management..

you probably already know this but honestly the best way to losee weight is to go to the gym for more than 30 min it has to be more than 30 min and eat foods that have less sugar in them if you do that i guarantee you will lose weight :)

At 5 6 and 128 pounds, you sound just right!But, you do need to eat a good breakfast. (I know it is hard, but it is necessary.)Some healthy snacks during the day, especially after school.