Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Weight loss tips!!!!!! what is the fastest way to loose 5-10 lbs? -

ok, so i like the anorexic theory. BUT! i work at a farm and when i was anorexic i nearly fainted so i had to stop. i still go some days with out food and try to only eat fruits and veggies but i really dont know what to bring to the barn because on the weekends when i am working all there is is junk food........:/ what should i pack? right now i weight 119 lbs and i am 5 4 i am 13 years old and have already gotten my period so i am nearly full grown. on the days i dont eat i take vitamins but i need something ot eat when i am working that will not put any muscle on me. i am already muscular........i mainly need something that is VERY low in calories and fat free........well i need a few things and suggestions for tommorow cuz just eating an apple with all the work i do just doesn t work! HELP!!!!!!!!! my goal is to loose 10 lbs so HELP!!!!!!!!

bring a salad.. fruit is the best... 100 calories snack bags are good and yummmy :) bring some gum - when i get hungry i eat gum so then i feeel like i am eatinggg. and you can eat junk foood - but you have not eat as much:) gooood luck

shovel snow. here i go.

There is alot of ways to loose weight fast, but it probably wouldn t be good for you. Just excersise daily and eat healthy, and you ll be fine in no time!

Lets put it straight. Losing weight is not that hard, You will never hear me say that it is. All it takes is dedication, motivation and hard work !--There are some fairly simple changes that will greatly improve your chances of weight loss success. Check this out to loss weight,http://weightlosspro.awardspace.com/The best, most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply eat right and exercise. Good diet, minimize saturated fat, use monounsaturated fat-- Always check in gradients of everything you are buyingRelaxation, stress and strain never allow people to be slim.

run two and a half miles a day


Eat the same stuff but cut it in half. Exercise well. But be healthy about it.

omg your 13!!! Dont worry about your weight! your a child. enjoy and eat all you want. 10 years from now you can worry about something like that!!! believe me, i was just like you when i was your age.

u don t weigh that much....but get a wild dog and take it 4 lots of walks

only eat cerial at half servings. thats the best. i no someone who did dis and worked fast

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.More infomation the link: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-PrVWXRM9dLUFol6cuU5ZQT5xhzSoSw--?cq=1

just eat 3 small meals a day and drink alot of water

Exercise and eat right. It s not that hard! Then again you were anorexic so I d expect someone as dense as you to have problems with this concept.

It sounds like you still have some recovering to do.At that weight you don t need to lose any weight. Just eat healthy, which means more than fruits and veggies. Working on a farm should be enough exercise so eating a nice full meal is all you need to worry about.

crunches and eat less fatsits not quick it takes time