Thursday, June 28, 2007

What is the fastest way you lost thirty pounds? -

I want to lose thirty pounds in about two months is that possible?How much should i exercise?Can i lose a pound a day if i walk ten miles a day at a moderate pace?Any weight loss tips or personal experiences on what and what not to do would be greatly appreciated :^ )Thanx a bunch :~}

I lost thirty pounds in a month once... I wouldnt recommend it. I did it by only eating brussel sprouts and tuna.. It was 30 yrs ago and I was using the concept of the Boston Police Diet. Its a version of the atkins. I eventually gained it back.I lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks following the Redux Revolution diet, which had nothing to do with the drug, and was about not eating after 6 pm and working out 2 hours after your last meal for at least 30 minutes. I eventually went to shift work and ...gained it back. In 2003 I lost 50 lbs in 6 months by doing Atkins, and this I would recommend. It was 6 yrs ago and I have kept it off by following a controlled carb eating plan. I excercise almost every day and avoid processed flour and sugar when possible.

Doctors recommend losing no more than 2 pounds a week. What you would have to do to lose that much weight in that period of time is to starve yourself, which would be very dangerous for your body and health.Eat small amounts of protein with each meal (3oz. or so) lots of vegetables and fruit and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

The key for losing those unwanted pounds is easy - consume less food and workout more often - the difficulties arise when we actually try to put that into operation! There are loads of temptations out there don t you think?! I found some excellent information by following the website in the box below, they have loads of instruction, I shed 10 pounds by following their helpful advice.

It definitely is possible. It is going to be tough but achievable. In order to lose that much weight that fast you have to have some knowledge and a program to stick to. Here is a great one with some free weight loss secrets.

I don t think there s a healthy way to lose 30 lbs. fast. Your body will lose too many nutrients and you will weaken yourself.

running and eating healthy
