Thursday, July 26, 2007

How can I modify my already healthy diet to lose weight? -

Lately I ve been looking online to try to find a diet to help me lose a few pounds (or 10), but every website I visit tells me things I already do in my daily diet. Most weight loss tips are geared toward people who are significantly overweight, but I m only 125 to begin with, I work out moderately, and eat healthy. So my question is, considering I already eat a diet (approximately 1600 calories) very high in fruits vegetables, a little bit of whole grains, a little chicken or fish, and good fats like peanut butter, hummus, avacado.. is there anything I can do or a good diet anyone knows of that I can follow to help shed the extra lbs? Any low calorie recipes, or short term diets (so I can lose before my vacation at the end of August), or any tips at all that might help would be greatly appreciated! (And if I get any girls around many calories do you eat how much do you exercise?) Thank you in advance! :D

Consider the frequency of your meals - 1,600 Cals consumed in three large meals is less effective than 1,600 consumed in 5 or 6 smaller meals. grazing will help to keep your metabolism revved and you will even experience a noticeable increase in energy. Also, are you varying your workout routine? Are you just doing cardio or are you incorporating in some weight/strength training as well? Increasing your lean tissue will help significantly to keep you burning more Cals 24/7. Muscle does burn fat and your body will become tight and toned! Remember to keep your cardio routine varied as well. Mix up the intensity and duration, try circuit training (using different machines back to back), or interval training (sprint for a minute, then jog, then sprint, etc..)

How tall are you, because maybe you don t even need to lose weight!!!Im 110 (5 2), I eat around 2000 calories a day, and exercise. A lot of women mess up by UNDER EATING! You need enough calories to get in shape. If you dont eat enough calories, you can get that belly pooch because your body is trying to keep things in reserve.I work out every other day if possible, and change it up between treadmill and elliptical, and light weights.So, I wouldnt change any of your eating habits, except make sure you dont drink soda, and drink enough water. I think you just need to do some toning exercises if you have some problem areas. Be healthy, and it sounds like you already are =)

Try to eat more than just a little whole grains. Also, make sure you have all natural penut butter, because most have hydrodynated oils, just one gram of the hydrodynated oils can make you gain 5 lbs. Also, if you eat a good amount of things like penut butter, even though they are good fats, try to eat less. If you aren t already eating walnuts you may want to start. Just an ounce a day can really help you loose weight. Also, you may want to try yoga. It is relaxing and doesn t get you awfully tired, but gives you a great workout, and helps you gain lean muscle.