Monday, July 23, 2007

I need to loose weight....? -

I am 13 yrs old and i am quite tall. I weigh 7.5 stone and i really want to loose weight. The bottems of my legs are quite big and i ve been told its muscle. I really hate my legs and I want them to be skinny. My belly is also quite flabby and I want a skinny tite belly like my friends. Any1 got any weight loss tips??

My first thoughts are to worry less about your appearance (I know it s difficult), and more about your health and well being. If you want to impress the opposite sex, you re going about it wrong. Guys who are attracted to you for your looks are less likely to be the ideal friend than the ones who are attracted to you for your mind and how well you care for yourself. Now as far as getting fit, it s about conditioning your mind to eat to live and not live to eat. Combine that with some daily mild exercise and watch as the flab comes off in just a few weeks or months. Here s my official weightloss blog:Here��s all you need to lose weight all over, look good, and get really healthy. First, you have to realize there is no quick, long lasting weight loss plan or pill that is going to do the trick. It��s purely mental. You have to learn to ��Eat to live, don��t live to eat��. Sounds simple, doesn��t it? It is, if you understand that you are going to be reprogramming how you think about eating for the next few weeks. Old habits die hard, right? Not really. You get rid of bad habits by replacing them with good habits. If you learn to count your Calories, keep Calorie intake lower than output, exercise moderately, and eat only healthy food, you will lose weight. That��s a fact. All it takes is repetition. All success stories have this in common: The successful folks among us know how to be patient, persistent, and consistent. Set a goal, write it down, and stick with it. The benefits of feeling good will outweigh any sense of sacrifice you might feel about having to push away that cake and ice cream. Here are some helpful and healthy links to help you get started on your way:��http://www.drfuhrman.comhttp://www.drmcdougall.comhttp://www.chetday.com

Here are some good ideas:1. Do something that gets your heart rate up a bit like, walking, running, biking, and swimming.2. Eat Whole, Organic foods like: Broccoli, Cabbage, Organic Brown Rice, Beans, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Apples, and other fruits and vegetables in their Natural State.3. Avoid eating corn, white bread, white rice, white potatoes, candy, sodas, chips, and anything else that you already know you shouldn��t be eating.4. Drink clean water as your beverage of choice. Avoid Fruit drinks and fruit juices (unless YOU juice them yourself)5. Stop smoking, drinking beer wine, and drinking coffee.6. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.7. Hang out with people who want to be healthy.8. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.9. Look into taking a multi-vitamin.Tone up the muscles:1. Join a gym and get a trainer.2. If you��re short on cash, start a light stretching yoga regimen.3. Do push-ups, and light dumbbell curls for the upper body.4. As I said above, walk, run, swim, and or bike5. Take an aerobics class, a yoga class, or some other fitness class.6. Join the local YMCA.7. Buy or borrow this book by Bill Pearl called GETTING STRONGER.In the book, he describes everything you need for a great fitness plan.8. Crunches Curl ups for the abs.Mental Health:1. Get a friend to talk to each day about your feelings.2. If you have some money or insurance, get a counselor to talk to.3. Learn how to meditate.4. Join a support group for the issue you��re dealing with.5. Ask your Higher Self (or God) for guidance.6. Start keeping a diary or journal about your feelings thoughts.7. Write a ��gratitude�� list every night.8. Do something that makes you happy each day like: listen to your favorite music, draw, paint, write, or anything creative.9. Do something for someone else who needs help.10. If the above suggestions don t improve your mental health, talk with your therapist about the possibility of taking some medication.11. Check out the book FEELING GOOD by David Burns.Take care of yourself

105 lbs isn t heavy, I doubt you need to LOSE any weight. What you should concentrate on though is drinking plenty of water (not diet drinks) Drink the heck out of water all day, every day and eventually the weight will start dropping off. I drank nothing but water for several months and lost 10 pounds. I didn t change my diet at all, just what I drank and how much of it.