Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Any Good Weight loss tips? -

I m trying to get a killer body so that when I come back to my old school at the end of month.I want to surprise them and I want to feel better of myself.

try the Lil Jack workout video.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr�� it will get you in shape

...and I want to feel better of myself. If you want to feel better about yourself, you should check out the non-profit organization for overweight, bulimic and other eating disorders:OA.ORGThis is not a calories club, it does not make a profit selling meals, and there are no fad drinks or instant cures.This is a support program, to help each one of us to better understand why we have an eating problem.To the question asker and to those answering, check it out. It doesn t cost anything. And it may help you to help yourself, or someone you love with a weight problem.

Drink alot of water, and eat bananas.

drink alot of water it will make you feel full

don t eat.....that s what i did