Saturday, September 22, 2007

Do you have any..............? -

weight loss tips? anything will help! thank you!

EAT HEALTHY FOOD!I know you hear that a lot, but its true.Like one year, I would NOT eat any food with high fructose corn syrup in it (mainly because I saw a nasty juicy-juice commercial that grossed me out from it), but I lost like 5 or 10 pounds.Try finding cool yummy recipes online (like, that are healthy.If you are really committed, become a vegetarian, you are really healthy, and you never really have to worry about gaining a lot of weight.RUN!Running, or jogging helps put you in really good shape that it doesn t matter what you eat (if you run hard enough).If you get good at it, or if you want to have a good time, join a cross-country team or track team. (then you won t have to worry about food) Like, I eat a bowl of ice cream a day, during the season, and until I get out of season, I don t gain weight.Most of all, DO NOT BECOME ANOREXIC or BULIMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It will ruin your body, and your metabolism. I know you have probably had this lecture a Thousand times, but its true. Unfortunately I had to learn the hard way (but only the semi-hard way, I just barely ate anything and watched a lot of t.v. instead of exercising on no energy.) And it was semi-hard, because I didn t get too dedicated to it. The main point is DON T DO IT! Because even now, my metabolism suffers, and I have to run my butt of to make up for slowing it down.Oh yeah, when you do eat healthy, don t eat ANYTHING unhealthy, if you are going with that option, just eat a lot of vegetable, and some fruit.If you need any more advice on one of these plans, make me a contact, and I will email you on it. (And if you were really nice, you d pick mine as the best answer) ;)

--Walk for at least 30 min EVERY day--Go vegitarian--Cut back on what you re eating [not everything, but a little here and there]--Don t eat anymore than you ABSOLUTELY have toAre you left brained or right?;��

exercise like walking for 30 min regularly.

just go on exercises a lot like running, nad all the stuff of exercised