Monday, January 28, 2008

How to lose weight fast, without losing your muscle? -

Okay I wanna lose alot of weight before school starts, but I also don t want to lose any of my muscle. So I guess what I m trying to say is how do I get rid of all the fat weight real fast?(And please do not recomend any of those diet plans you buy.)

I think you should jog every morning around your house or a block. then you should watch what you eat like less fatty thing and less junk food. I hope this helps you!

You only lose muscle when either A) it turns to fat by not being used (so i.e. weight lift them couple of times a week) and B) when you starve yourself, your muscle will be eaten away before fat does (see; anorexia).To lose fat, or at least try too, just do what your doing but up your aerobic workouts.

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Hi Cherry,I ve got tips for you to lose weight fast and in a healthy way, while keeping your muscle. It s not as hard as people think. In fact, it can be pretty easy. Just cutting soda and sugary drinks from your diet COMPLETELY is just one awesome way to lose weight fast easy and healthily. (I lost 10 pounds alone only with that one change) That along with the other tips I m going to share below (all are very safe and healthy) and you will be on your way to easily losing the weight and keeping it off.As cliche as it may sound you gotta eat your veggies. They are amazingly good for you, also raw nuts (almonds are best) fruits, and 100% whole grain breads instead of white flours (white flour is very bad for you, read up on it if you get the chance!) Try and stay away from fried foods and fast food as much as possible, and other empty calories and foods that provide you no nutrients, like ice cream/candy/cake etc. Common sense goes a long way with what foods to eat and how to be healthy, so use it :)Building healthy eating habits and keeping the weight off in the long term is what you should really strive for. Also, make sure you don t count calories, it can drive you CRAZY! Just eat GOOD calories, and when your satisfied, stop eating. Try to eat more meals a day and portion them smaller, it really is proven to speed up your metabolism and burn fat way faster. If you mix this in with the other things I ve shared, you will be on your way to easily losing weight and keeping it off.Just be persistent, set goals, make little changes and stick with them. You will get to where you want to be. You really have to want it, I did, and I m at my goal weight now. Please check out my blog, I think you will enjoy the information and my weight loss story. The link is below and best of luck hon.