Friday, January 11, 2008

Weight loss tips.?? -

im exercising, eating better, but im not derving myself of anything, if i want a biscuit ill have one, but just one!!!! so i think im doin pretty good considering my prior lack of control. i want to loose about 7stone, which is alot i know, ppl have noticed im loosing weight but feel i need to kik myself into touch a bit more, as i notice no difference and feel no differnt (apart from a bit more energetic). sooo on that note, any tips o hints? excerises, dieting tips? thanks very much x

Food- Always eat breakfast. Yes, I know getting up a bit earlier to consume the first meal of the day is sometimes hard, but it is necessary. I would suggest egg beaters and a piece of fruit (preferrably a banana to give you necessary protein). Drink water. They say if you drink water in the morning it gets your brain working a lot better. Juices and milk have a lot of sugar, so you definitely don t want to drink your calorie intake for the day. For lunch I would suggest a turkey (low sodium) wrap. Walmart has these really good wraps that are fat free. Put a little bit of lettuce and tomato on the wrap and you re ready to go. If you want some extra flavoring, add a pinch of pepper. Drink water again because our body needs A LOT of water everyday. Plus, if you drink water throughout the day, the less snack urges you will get. It s not smart to snack- adds extra calories. If you re dying to eat drink water and crew on a piece of Stride or Orbit gum. Long lasting and good tasting! Sometimes hunger can be mistaken for thirst! So keep that in mind.For dinner I would suggest chicken varieties or fish. Stay away from a lot of red meat. Red meat contains a lot of sodium and fat. You don t want a lot of sodium and sugar in your diet. Eat veggies and perhaps a small amount of brown rice. Use butter spray (it s fat free). Parkay makes the best tasting! It really does taste like butter!!!For a snack at night if you re still hungry try fat free/sugar free jello or pudding. Popcorn is also a really good choice. Low fat (94% fat free) is sold at Walmart or you can even get the corn and pop it yourself. Add some butter spray and you re in business. Don t add extra salt though!Don t eat past 7PM if possible. Late night eating is really bad for you!Exercise- Try running, walking fast, parking far away so you can get that extra distance in, sit-ups (increase how many you do EVERY night), push-ups, walks, sports/biking, swimming, Wii fit (ha), dancing...Basically any way to stay active! Always be on the move. When sitting watching tv move your legs to keep moving and burning those calories. Stair stepping is also good. If you live relatively close to a studium, go to there and run the stairs.Remember- With a healthy diet and staying active, you ll lose weght without a problem! Good luck! :) BTW- the green tea tip is great! It speeds up your metabolism A LOT and is a very healthy drink for you! Don t add sugar, perhaps a small amount of Splenda (not even the whole packet- you don t need it, it ll be sweet with only a drop of it).

CLENBUTEROL - best fat burning drug.Tyra Banks recomends it.Look at Report Abuse

If you want to lose weight I am going to tell you best weight loss program. I will tell you what a weight loss program should include. A real weight loss program should not promise fast or rapid weight loss. As rapid weight loss programs never give long lasting results. So prepare your mind if you want to have a success in your weight loss program. The real weight loss program will never be fast you have to be patient as losing weight is a slow process.Always consult a weight loss doctor or a dietician before starting your weight loss program as performance of an individual varies. You should make some small changes if you want to have great results. Try to count your calories in every meal you eat. Stick to a regular exercise program which is a key part of a weight loss program. Try to enjoy your exercise program. You can exercise outdoors or you can exercise during listening music if you will enjoy your exercise it will boost your weight loss program.Eat lot of green vegetables and fruits it will help you in your weight loss program as green vegetables and fruits give lot of vitamins and minerals. If you want to lose weight and if you want that your weight loss program should give you great results drink plenty of water. Successful weight loss program always need lots of water. If you want to lose weight water should be your best friend. Losing weight is a slow process a slow and steady weight loss program never promises losing more than three pounds per week.

Here are some good dieting tips: will also help you a lot. How much is 7stone ? You should set some concrete goals for yourself and make sure they re healthy and reasonable.

I think the key word is depriving yourelf of anything. Cut back just a little bit more and keep your biscuit if thats what you really want. Eat more raw vegetables and fruit. They are fillers and help you to feel full too. You need the fiber these give you and the natural vitamins too. Drink plenty of water. Good luck!

You ve done so well, but it may be the time to take things up to the next level with your training. You certainly will not have mucked anything up as long as you concentrate on getting back on target.Check out a programme like The Afterburn Program from which will take you through every aspect of fat burning and some of the bigger myths etc.It worked wonders for me!

Losing weight takes time and commitement. Here is an awesome article that will help you out...��Enjoy!AviB

i think in your case it is ahormonal problem that is making you obese and not lose weight. check with an endocrinologist. no use working out like crazy with no results.

I also found when loosing my weight if my day wasn t planned i wouldn t succeed. so every night before i went to sleep i would sit down and say okay i get up at this time, eat this breakfast go to work have a break at this time and eat this, then have a lunch break and eat this get home from work and have another small snack of this, then head to the gym for an hour and then come home and cook this for dinner and be in bed by this time. I found that if i planned what i was doing then i wouldn t sit around just thinking about what i should be doing now and what i shouldn t. Also all women want to look and feel great so maybe try finding someone to do it with, to keep you motivated so you can see improvement of someone else and keep you on track if you have someone to report to.Also i found joining a join helped me alot also, just that isn t always accsesseable for many people, i just enjoyed the encourage and support i got from them while exercising it made me want to come in and exercise. Also its good not to deprive yourself of anything because you will splurge out but that doesn t mean that every time you feel like a cookie go get one, just one and then in 2 hours you feel like another, try and limit that, i meen a cookie once a week maybe is fine but a cookie every day can add up and not give you your best weight loss. and trust me the more you loose and when you start noticing it on yourself you feel fantastic and it will keep you motivated take a before photo so you can continue looking back to show yourself you have changed because sometimes slow change isn t as noticeable as something that goes whack in your face.