Thursday, January 17, 2008

Weight loss tips? -

Ok here s the thing. I want to lose like 5 pounds by Thursday 4/5. I don t need any lectures about how unhealthy it is to lose that much weight in such a small amount of time but I want it to happen. Any ideas? I don t have a lot of time during the day to work out so keep that in mind. Thanks.

Most of these are healthy choices, but you may find a couple that will help you.��

Exercise everyday like jogging around the blockSkip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fullEat fruits at night if your hungry.Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.There are more tips and info.there s a video on success fitness too.

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I did this and lost 12 pounds and 19 inches in 9 days. I continued and lost 29 pounds in a month. I like the program since it works by giving your body nutrition through protein shakes with digestive enzymes and vitamins and then cleansing out the toxins. We get toxins in our bodies from pesticides, preservatives, water, pollution, medications, food additives etc��. These toxins enter our bodies and get stored in our fat cells. To shrink the fat, we need to get rid of the toxins through cleansing. The program also has a natural diet pill to help your metabolism and curb cravings. It works and it works fast. My skin has improved from the cleansing. It is pricey but worth it! I think cleansing is really important to health and weight loss. Give it a try and good luck!