Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weight Loss Tips!!!!!!!? -

I am overweight and need tips for loosing weight in 1 month! Thanks :o)

best thing to do is running/swimming/ for beginners.running does not mean walking slowing, and swimming does not mean floating around to play food that have lots of fibers, they fill your stomach quickly and you will feel full without eating lots of calories. vegetable contain lots of fibers, and eat some banana to prevent cramps while running/swimming. eat some fresh fruit whenever you feel hungary, do not starve or your body will do the opposite thing (which is ending up eating more than you need)run at least 1 hour a day, and more if you are really out of shape. 1 month to lose lots of weight is impossible. i suggest you to work out when you have time, stop being a couch potato and start working out. whats better then swimming in the hot summer, so try that once a while.

An easy weight loss, but isnt an fast diet but it helps. Don t eat more if you arent more hungry. Dont be full. Be unhungry