Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hi All, How to lose weight without making my face weak and dull? -

I am 25 years female working in a software company.I wanted to loose weight very badly as i am 5.5 and 69 kgs which is obese. But my cheeks and eyes are going in which make me look very weak and dull when i loose weight. Also it look like i am having dark circle :(Could anyone help me on this?Thanks in Advance

I understand your struggle. Rapid weight loss causes a darkening of the eyes and circles that make you look dull and sleepy. Trying using a less progressive weight loss system. I m not sure what you are using now but the only miracle weight loss drug that I know of is the acaiberry and colon cleanse 3000 systems. When used together they are supposed to curve your appetite and rid you of all toxins in your body that may be causing you to keep on or gain unnecessary weight. It s a more natural and healthy approach to weight loss because after all you are only given one body and remember this: It took time to put the weight on and you need time to take it off. Otherwise, you could do lots of damage to your one and only temple.Give it a try and good luck with your new body!! =)LIFE: Every beginning has a end and with every end there is a new beginning!!! Don t give up on the battles that life throws your way because with time the battle will end and then open up a door for a whole new beginning. Best of luck and blessings your way!!

Check out this website it provide solution to your answer! Email the wellness coach and he willl gladly to guide u along the way! The service is free and he will designed a personalized weight management program specially for you! http://makingworldhealthier.blogspot.com��

To loose weight fast, Exercise and eat the right food at the right time.Do not take weight loss pills as they do not work.

Your genetics decide what your body structure will be. When you lose weight your genetics decide where and how much. Spot reducing just does NOT work.