Monday, February 18, 2008

How to lose weight/get in shape/gain muscle? -

I m 13 and I m 5 5 and I weight 170. I play football (lineman) and I exercise with friends 4+ times a week. What is a very good way to train/get in shape for next football season? (about 1 year). I ve always been a big kid and I ve always been stronger than my friends. Thanks. Ten points to best answer.

Learn the difference between eating until you re full and eating until you are satisfied and eat only until then. Also you should eat at least 8 times a day. Every two hours you should be intaking some form of healthy nutrition. In fact, as soon as you get up in the morn, before anything else.... pop a nice yogurt or a fruit yor body a little kick start. Run to get in shape......simple as that...start short distances and gradually build up asyour body becomes used to each distance. Lift to gain muscle....lift until you can t and then rest and then add more weight...just as your body adapts to it. It s not that hard to do.

Eat regular mealsRegular meals, starting with breakfast, help you to regulate how much you eat by stabilising blood sugar levels and allowing you to recognise natural feelings of hunger and fullness. They also stop you worrying about hunger as you will know your next meal or snack is not far away! And a healthy breakfast, is not only linked to long term weight control success, but a healthier, more nutritious diet overall.

On some occasions diet and working out simply is not enough, cause there will be surplus weight simply sitting around in your insides. It is not body fat, so it cannot be melted off, however it will be rinsed out, simply by taking a diet supplement. has a risk free offer on offer currently, I tried it and lost 17 lbs!! Who says there is no magic bullett? LOL!!!