Thursday, February 14, 2008

I need weight loss tips? -

im seven teen 5 8 and 258ibs n wanna drop down to atleast 180so im looking for any tips and advice. i have a gym member ship n i go almost every day but i feel about the same i wanna build muscle but dont know what to do

well when u do loss the weigh u feel better and more energric i was on a diet i used to be 141 and my height was 5 1 but no im 5 3 and i used to be liek 11 i think hwne i weigh that much and now im 12 and weigh 115 hard to give up food that and drinks that u like but yea anyways u need to loose weight first and when u do then u you could build muscles but taht way i just said is better so u can see muscle better the best way to do is cut down on sugar and avoid fast food places and food with high in fat and grease.fruits taht helps u with boosting ur metabloism is honeydew melon and green apples green grapes and berrys(any kind like strawberry bluberry and more) um a thing taht help me loss weight was a slim belt thing its liek a thing u put on ur stomach and it helps u burn calories more and sweat more it was pretty helpful

Eat healthy and stay hydrated. Your body burns fat and builds muscle most efficiently when its hydrated. Do a lot of running, stretching, and torso exercises. Make sure to mix it up every few weeks or so. If you do the same routine over and over, your body gets used to it.

Eat healthy and exercise daily.