Thursday, March 20, 2008

How to lose weight from my hips? -

I m slim around my waist but have a little extra weight on my hips/thighs. What exercises can I do to either tighten it up or lose it?Thanks.�� Do this work out 2 times a day , Or buy the DVD , Its great i have brought the DVD , and i have already lost 1 stone in 5 weeks !!!

Exercise builds muscle. Targeted exercise does not burn fat in selected areas. When you start to burn body fat, your body removes it from sections it feels like.My recommendation, is to control your eating habits a bit. Drink water when you are thirsty, not crap like coke/juice. Eat when you are hungry. Try to shave a bit of calories where you can.Overall, I ve found the best activity is to go outside and jog/run. Everyone can jog/run at least a mile or so. If you can t, you are going too fast. Run slower. Even if it feels so slow, it s silly. It builds endurance to run stupidly slow for long distances, and your body gradually learns how to jog or run and a much higher speed.


for women is volley ballfor men is soccer