Sunday, May 18, 2008

How to lose weight at 11 years old!? -

How can I lose weight at 11, 120 pounds.

I don t think you should, since you re only 11 years old, and are going through puberty. Being thin is not all that great. Just be patient and wait until you re in your twenties or late twenties to lose any amount of weight. Also, you could exercise outside more, like run more outside. It will certainly make your body work hard, and that helps you to not feel too fat, I guess.

Eat regular mealsRegular meals, starting with breakfast, help you to regulate how much you eat by stabilising blood sugar levels and allowing you to recognise natural feelings of hunger and fullness. They also stop you worrying about hunger as you will know your next meal or snack is not far away! And a healthy breakfast, is not only linked to long term weight control success, but a healthier, more nutritious diet overall.

Exercise, play a school sport, and eat right. get rid of chips,cookies,cake, stuff like that. I would not recommend pills, or any type of medication,to lose weight.