Saturday, May 24, 2008

How to lose weight for prom in 2 weeks? -

i dont want to lose a huge amount of weight, just like a little bit off my waist and just so i make sure i fit into my dress. any quick ways?

WARNING!!!!!!! Whatever you do, don t listen to the suggestions of not eating for 5 days or other unhealthy diets. Like that all liquid diet of water, lemon, maple syrup CRAP!!! That is completley horrible for your body and can cause serious problems. Just so you know, When ever you don t eat for a few days, yes you will lose weight but when you start eating again you will balloon in size and gain back all the weight you lost and lots more. Never starve yourself. That is Bull Crap and I can t believe people suggested that. I m sorry but the only way to lose weight is Diet and Exercise. Losing weight takes time. Unfortunately I don t think there is much you can do in 2 weeks. But I suggest running on a treadmill or elyptical in a gym, running outside or jump rope for minimum of 30 minutes every day for the next 2 weeks. drink as much water as you can every day. Absolutley no soda or sport/energy drinks. Eat as many fruits and vegetables you can each day. Do not eat at least 2 hours before bedtime. If you do that much or more you may get some results and you ll have more energy for the prom!If you starve yourself for 5 days before the prom how much energy do you think you ll have on prom night? Serioulsy. You ll feel like death all night and will regret not eating. That is never a good idea. GOOD LUCK!!

Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, exercise for at least an hour daily. If it s white, don t eat it. (flour, rice, potatoes)

Drink plenty of water and cut out all salty foods. This will keep you from retaining water, which will make you puffy.Next, cut out all foods with sugar and white flour - no pasta, no cookies, no soda, no bread, no cereal.For each meal eat a serving of lean protein - for breakfast you could have a sugar-free protein shake with low-fat milk, whey protein powder, and some of your favorite berries (steer clear of bananas which are high in sugar.) For lunch have a serving of chicken or tuna salad with a tablespoon of mayo on a bed of greens. For dinner have a serving of meat and a side of vegies and a side salad - keeping your consumption of potatoes and rice low will help too. If you want bread have whole-wheat and keep it to 2 slices a day at most.The alternative? Go to the lingerie store and purchase a waist nipper. :)

You can try a lemon clense. Do this without eating for a minimum of 5 days. Drink several glasses of this a day.8 oz. of water1/2 a lemon1 or 2 tbls. of maple syrup (The real stuff)Pinch of cayenne pepper

dont eat anything for a couple of days, and do sit ups.

Hey, well just to let you know you are not the only one that is trying to lose weight before prom night...! because I m trying to do the same, but my advise to you is to don t eat big portions of food . . . and every time that you are going to eat, lets say It s lunch time drink a glass or two of water before you start eating that way you could get full faster and at the same time you don t eat as much as before. an your stomach will get used to eating little bit amount of food . . . an let me tell you it does work .. but don t forget to drink a glass of water after you are done eating because water helps lose weight. . !!!! And maybe go out and round a lap or so it will make you feel great about your self and even and look great .... that will be wounderful

There isnt anything thats quick unless you feel like fasting or amputating an arm. Best and most effective way is to eat small healthy meals throughout the day like 4-5 and none should be more than 400 cal. Next drink lots and lots of water. If you could only drink water that would help. Also cardio is key. 3-5 45 minutes cardio sessions a week. Do this and you will see some minor results before prom. Good luck to you!