Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to lose weight in your fingers? -

I ve put on weight lately, and a ring from my grandmother doesn t fit me anymore, I wear it on my right hand, but it will still fit my left hand, so it s only my right hand that needs toning lol, are there any hand excercises to make my fingers thinner?

no. you have to lose weight overall. thick fingers is a sign of good fortune and wealth in asian cultures. i have chubby fingers as well and even when im a size 2 they seem to be chubby.

There are hand exercises you can do. Try a soft rubber ball and squeeze it. Start out moderately and go slowly. When you feel pain the next day you are making gains. They also have various handgrip equipment available for hands.

Try the Lil Jack workout��

No,tennis player use one arm a lot more than the other,is that arm skinny and the other fat?NO.