Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to lose weight in your butt? -

My butt is really big, aswell my legs a little bit, but everything on my body is slim. My butt and legs just make me look bigger!! i hate it so much!!can anyone please give me tips to lose weight on my legs and butt quickly!! please help! your help will be greatly appreciated!

The first thing you have to determine is what makes your legs and butt look big. Are they fat and flabby or just very muscular? If your legs are too muscular, (this can be very unattractive on women), then you have to consider what it is you do to make your legs that big. If you climb stairs a lot, or play leg-based sports than your legs will develop very large muscles. You need to stop doing these things and just wait for the muscle to fade away. This could take a while.If your legs and butt are fat then you just need to lose weight. On some people fat lingers longer in certain areas than others. On you it could just be that the last fat to disappear is on your legs and butt. Lose some weight and they ll get smaller.Also, stretch a lot. Tensed muscles can look thick and gnarly.

you cant just lose weight on 1 certain area, it comes off everywere all at the same time,if you exercise, it can be any exercise, it will come off eventually. but do cardio and inbetween the cardio do squats, and lunges, and stuff like that, the leg muscles are the biggest in the body, so they will burn the most calories, and the bigger the muscles get, you will burn more and more calories in the longterm.also, watch your diet! hehe

squats, cardio, pilatesanswer minehttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;��

1. do yoga2. when u can stand , do not sit .especially after meals

DONT. A big booty and small waist is in style right now!

donkey kicks!