Friday, July 25, 2008

How to lose weight around my stomach area? -

I have some extra fat on my stomach and just want to lose about half a stone. How can I do this?I m nearly 14 and I want to do it quickly and healthily.Please help! :)Best answer: 10 pointsx

In not possible to spot reduce fat in just one part of your body, like your stomach. In order to lose stomach fat you will need to lose the fat all over your body.In short you may need to start:1) Eating healthier, this means:Eat smaller mealsEat more meals a dayDon��t starve yourselfEat more vegetables and fruitDrinks more waterLess sugars and empty calories (less soft drinks, cakes, cookies)Switch to whole wheat versions of your bread and pasta, brown rice instead of white rice2) Exercising:Forget crunches, crunches work your ab muscles but they dont burn enough calories to lose stomach fat, if you do hundreds of crunches daily you will have great abs but you wont see them under your belly fat.Prefer full body exercises they burn the most calories and increase you metabolism for a few hours after your workout.Get a training partner or a fitness trainer, a very worthwhile investment - of the money you save on junk food for example =)Try also to reduce stress and get enough sleep. Both of these are related to weight gain and emotional eating.For more try: http://www.flatstomachtips.comor http://lose-belly-fat.comI wish you all the best,John

When we want to get rid of body fat, there is no way to specifically burn fat from one part of the body. Doing situps won t burn the fat that is covering your abs and doing tricep extensions won t get rid of the fat that is covering your triceps. The only thing you can do is lose weight all around and eventually the problem area will also improve. The way to burn fat is through a calorie restricted diet in conjunction with an exercise routine that will burn calories. Activities that burn calories include running, biking, swimming and other high intensity activities.Guide to Reducing Body Fat -��

Well, of course you expected to get the answer eat healthy and exercise right? lol But extra tummy weight is usually caused by excess sugars. I m a health nut and veggie lover and I exercise everyday for two hours but I still get tummy weight if I have..say, too much sugar in my tea (and I drink LOTS) too many sweet fruits (fruit is awesome, but in moderation) high sugar cereals, or of course if I just eat too many sweets, I get some extra stomach fat. As soon as I cut down on the sugar and simple carbs I lost it very quickly. SOooo M dear, my overall advise to you is to cut back on sugar and eat ONLY complex carbs not simple. Simple carbs are white bread, high sugar breakfast cereals, white rice, ect. Complex carbs are whole wheat, multigrain, fiberous foods, ect. Remember to exercise and crunches will help a lot too. Good luck! :)

The easiest and fastest way to lose extra fat around your waistline is to find a pole or bar (a benching bar is perfect) and rest it across your shoulders behind your head. Drape your wrists over the bar as far apart as possible. Keeping your hips stationary, twist your upper body back and forth keeping the bar parallel to the ground. 100-200 reps a night and that belly fat will be history!

Just try to keep busy and doing some activity at all times. Also go running everyday , run a different path everyday so that you won t get bored. Even if you run for 10 mins, this can jumpstart your activity level. Go spend a day at the pool. Put on some music and dance infront of the mirror. Drink only water (you dont really need juices and such) and try to eat small portions throughout the day. Instead of snacking on sugar, try snacking on baby carrots(they have fiber). Try to get a friend to join you. You guys can ride bikes together or play soccer outside and losing weight can be fun.

sorry to tell you that you can t target lose weight. you need to diet and/or work out. or do excercises that specifically tone the muscles in your stomach.

For ask your parents and your doctor and situps is a good idea but once again ask your parents and your doctor.

sit ups and crucnhescan u guys join my sports forum need memebrs

Buy an Abe wheel. Or do crunches.