Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to lose weight at school? -

I go to school and we don t have recess or extra-curricular activities. I don t participate in anything outside of school. The lunches they serve are really fattening I have gained like 15lbs. I want to lose 60lbs by June. I want to be able to wear shorts and bathing suits without feeling self conscience.

Let school be just what it is supposed to be and concentrate on the weight thing on time other than school time.

a balance of nutrition is most important if u want to lost weight(without becoming ill when u r slim)make a plan of what to eat and when to do exercise

you only need 30 minutes of exercise a day for the average person i say you should just do that

First of all, i know it may seem like you re missing out but at lunch you need to pick the healthiest choice, i know you ve probably heard it and if your friends are picking what looks the best, it is probably the most fattening. Also, take the extra hallway or the longest route to class. (without being late) other than that, at home do some squats, lunges, curlups, and anything to help the parts you want to tone up. maybe even convince your parents to let you join a gym, and start off going 3 or 4 times a week. hope i helped!

1. make your own lunch2. you can not tell me that you do not have enough time in a day, because if you want it bad enough you can make time for exerciseif your school has stadiums, then run stadiums. swimming is a great workout. just becoming more active will definitely make you lose weight. run.3. no fast food, junk food, drink lots of water. run.4. there is no way to lose 60 pounds by June. it really is impossible to do that unless you do it in an unhealthy way (eating disorder). being a wrestler, i could only drop about 10 pounds in a week and most of that was water. so just run.