Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to lose weight healthy and steady? -

i am a girl, 23 years old, 5.6 tall and 236 Basal Metabolic Rate is 1876.3 i know that i have to cut down 500 calories per day in order to lose weight but 1376 calories per day would be unhealthy, isnt it? any tips?

Here are a few tips:1. You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight and keep it off, so do something every day, even if it��s just a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood. Don��t say you don��t have time for exercise; you have to MAKE time. Yes, it takes time and effort, but you��re worth it, right?2. Walk as much as you want, but don��t do cardio for more than 40 minutes at a time. If you do, you risk burning muscle instead of fat.3. If you do strength training, use light weights and do lots of repetitions. That��ll really help you ��tone up.��4. Your diet will make you or break you. You have probably learned bad eating habits over time (most people do). That��s not your fault, but now you have to deal with it. Make a commitment to yourself to unlearn those bad habits and re-learn better habits.5. Eat breakfast every day within an hour of getting up. People who don��t are 450% more likely to be overweight.6. Eat six small meals or snacks per day instead of three squares per day or one big meal per day. Your body expends energy digesting your food, so eating smaller portions more often keeps your metabolism running high because you��re constantly digesting food.7. Avoid these as much as possible:-- Trans fat (any type of partially or fully hydrogenated oil)-- High fructose corn syrup (soft drinks are LOADED with it)-- Fast food-- Junk food-- White sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes-- The deadly C��s (cookies, cakes, candy, chips, cola)8. Build your diet around these trim-body-friendly foods:-- Nuts, any kind (almonds are best)-- Beans/Legumes-- Fresh vegetables (green is GREAT!!!)-- Dairy products (as long as they��re low-fat or non-fat)-- Eggs-- Lean meats (fish and poultry top the list)-- Olive oil-- Whole grain breads/cereals/pasta-- Fresh fruits (anything that ends in ��berry�� is a winner)-- Tea (green tea or black pekoe tea)-- Cold water or ice water (your body has to expend extra calories to heat it up)9. Desserts and treats are the exception, not the rule. Having said that, however, (1) you can have a couple of pieces of chocolate every day �C just don��t overdo, and (2) Allow yourself one ��cheat meal�� every week where you eat and drink whatever you want as long as you don��t gorge yourself. That��ll help keep you from feeling deprived and it��ll make it easier to stick with your new healthy eating plan.Good luck!

I ve recently lost 61lbs since April 9 dong the following:Do not eat over 2000 calories. Make your calories count. 2000 is a lot believe it or not. I kept my food intake as fat free as possible. And here is the kicker for true success...get a diet journal and write what you eat down. You ll be amazed of how easy it is. Staple foods with this plan is a lot of chicken breast. Vegetables in the frozen section have a lot to offer that are very low calorie. Snack items...sugar free jello gelatin, sugar free jello pudding. Fresh fruit. 100 calorie snack packs make it easy to keep track.I lost 21lbs my first month by doing the above and I did not exercise at all. Your weight loss does slow down after this initial period so incorporating some sort of physical activity is essential if you really want to kick it up a notch.

I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay 5.49$ shipping and handling. A must!

Hardkormerz2, We do not lose weight at a steady rate. Believe it or not, when we gain weight we go through plateaus so don t expect to lose weight at a steady rate, it just won t happen. You can lose 40 lbs and not lose again for 2 months. Commit yourself to this knowledge.Now as for your concerns about calories, I found a pretty informative web-site to go to. Best wishes to you.

My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 5.49$ shipping and handling. Good luck!