Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to lose weight on stomach and legs? -

I`m trying to flatten my stomach and lose weight on my legs before i go on holidays this summer. What are the best foods to eat? Exercises without going to the gym? What is the best way to stay motivated?Thanks!!

Its really hard to control where you lose the weight - you can t really decide, you re body does. I would LOVE to lose weight on my legs, but I lose it first on my arms and chest. That s just the way my body works. But, you can easily tighten you re target areas. I do these exercises 3-5 times a week and they re great for toning.Hip Outer Thigh Toners: Lay on your left side with your legs straight out and toes pointed, so your body forms a straight line. Next, bend your left elbow and rest your upper body on your left forearm. Now, strech your right leg straight out in front of your body. Your left leg remains in its original position. Lift the right leg up and down slowly in front of you with your toes pointed. Lift the right leg 15 times. Complete a total of three repetitions of 15 lifts. Repeat entire process on the right side lifting the left leg. (do not lift any higher than 8-10 inches off the floor) Inner Thigh Toners: Start out on your left side, in the same position as mentioned in the Hip Outer Thight Toners section. BUT, instead of stretching your right leg out in front of your body, cross your right leg over your left leg, placing your right foot flat on the floor. Your right knee should now be pointing straight up in the air. Now lift your left leg slowly to the height of your right knee and bring it down. Lift your left leg slowly, 15 times. Compleate a total of three repetitions of 15 lifts. Repeat entire process on the right side lifting your right leg. Back of Thigh Buttock: While on the floor, position yourself on your hands and knees with your back straight. No arch. Extend your left leg up to the level of your buttock and slowly lower it down to the floor. Your leg should remain straight at all times with toes pointed. Do this to the count of 15. Compleate a total of three repetitions of 15. Repeat entire process using the right leg. (for added benefits, tighten or squeeze the muscles in your buttock when your leg is in the raised position.) For your abs, you could either lie in plank position:Starting PositionBegin this exercise by lying on your stomach with your forearms on the floor pointing straight forward, your feet together and your spine in a neutral position. Your feet should be touching or no more than an inch apart. ActionLift your body up on your forearms and toes, keeping your body as straight as possible. Maintain this position for as long as possible and challenge yourself to longer periods in the plank position. Try to hold the position for 60 seconds in the beginning, working your way up in 30 second jumps until you can hold the position for 3 minutes or longer. Special InstructionsDon��t let your hips/knees drop, your butt raise, or shift weight to one forearm.ORAlternatively, you could do the side plank with rotation:Get in a side plank position with your right forearm resting on the floor and your left hand behind your head. Your body should form a straight line from you shoulders to your feet. Keeping you left hand behind your head, slowly twist your torso towards the floor as far as you can without losing your baland. Try to get your left arm parallel to the floor. Return to the side plank. Do 3 sets of 8 rotations, holding the side plank between each rotation. Switch sides so you re leaning on your left forearm and repeat.I hope some of these helped a little.

Don t worry about foods. Just cut sweets and soft drinks out of your diet. Fortunately for you, the best exercise for fat-loss can be done without a gym. Running hill sprints, on a street or grass hill somewhere near your house. Best way to stay motivated is just to do 3 of those sprint workouts a week of at least 6 sprints for each one, and give it a week. Because a week is all you need to start seeing results.

you should eat a big breakfast, medium lunch and a small dinneryou should start off about 150 sit ups a day, then do more as you find it easieruse a skip rope everydayand just think like, how good you will look by summer, if everytime your bored at home you do execise, even if its only just simple things like stretchinggoodluck