Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to lose weight on your thighs? -

I ve been losing weight on my upper body but can t seem to lose much on my thighs. Now my body just looks disproportionate. I ve tried skipping and jogging but doesn t seem to work. In fact, my inner thighs itch every time I jog cause they start rubbing against each other! What do I do??

When you lose fat, from burning excess calories, you lose fat from everywhere, not just in one place. The muscles in your arms do not use up only the fat cells in your arms, that is not how is works.If your thighs are not slimming, is it because you have increased muscle tone and size from exercise?

well you cant target weight loss because its all genetics sorry i have the same problem too. but if you want to have more defined legs, do the abducter and adducter machine for upper inner thighs and outer. then do the elliptical machine or squats and lunges for nice glutes, hamstrings, and quads

You can t target where you lose weight. The best thing to do would just be to tone your legs. The muscle will burn the fat. Toning will make them smaller because you aren t working to hard. Just do squats.

Good old-fashioned squats.