Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to lose weight and look cool? -

Im 13 and i weigh 179 and i really wanna lose wight so plz give me some tips, also wat do i wear to look cool. THX

Lose it slowly for now. At your age, most kids will think your gay if you want to lose weight. But, once your in high school, go crazy. Your metabolism will spike at that point in your life, making it easy. At around that age, people won t care if you lose weight. In fact, they ll probably compliment you. At that age, many people s bodies change. I went from obese to slim during my first two years of high school. No one really cared. I ve seen people go from chubby to riped during their first couple years of high school.

What I always did to lose weight for wrestling was run for about 40 minutes in the morning and then do another hard workout after school. This get your metabolism working faster than it normally would. Also, cut back on soda if you drink that, and kinds of empty calories like fast food or candy or chips all that junk just eat it sparingly. Eat healthy food like apples bananas, green veggies like spinach, and get some lean protein too. You don t need to do all of this religiously to lose some weight, but if you workout hard enough consistently the weight will come off. There was a kid who came out for wrestling and weight 320 pounds at the start of the season. By the end he was down to 285, so it really just takes hard work. As for what you should wear to look cool, sports jerseys every once in a while, some TapouT shirts, maybe some preppy clothes like Abercrombie every once in a while it s not that big of a deal what kind of clothes you wear though just wear what you think looks good and it ll be fine! Hope I could help

get in to a sport you would be interested in, i suggest powerlifting, i tried it when i was 12 and it will be my sport for life. there is another way that works fast to lose weight, heavy cardio work outs, if ya want to get crazy with it start limiting how much you eat and drink a day, you can cut lots of water weight by doing cardio, and spit alot too, hard candies like jolly ranchers help alot, i spit a pound off in a day, 12 lbs total that week i cut from water weight

well, one thing you could try, is to just eat less of what you DO eat, instead of eating different things. I have the same problem, except i m older (17) and weigh more, so if you find a program or something that works for you, if you would like to and if you wouldn t mind, you could email me or IM me. You can get my email address and IM name from my page.

swim....i have lost a good 12 punds in 3 of i m just 147 and happy