Monday, September 22, 2008

How to lose weight the healthy way? -

I m just wondering on how to lose weight the healthy way, like is there a special diet that doesn t harm you, or anything? I m 13, so I don t want to go on a diet. Any methods of exercising? Thanks! I m 4 11 and 100 pounds.Btw, I jog but not everyday, like every other day, but not much.

You do not need to lose weight. You are at a healthy weight for your height and age. Stop worrying about weight, be a kid, and enjoy life.

Okay her the most effective supposed diet. First off don t think of it as a diet think of it as a new way of life and a new lifestyle in general. Here are the steps:1. Work out everyday doing 3 of these...either jogging, running, push ups, crunches, lunges, etc. Make sure to work on every part of your body. You could for example do 50 crunches a day and 30 push ups and 8 lunges and then do some aerobic work out like running on a tread mill or just jogging in general. You can start off slow at your own pace. Don t over do the work out.2. Eat healthy, don t eat less necessarily. Eat plenty of protein and vegetables, and fruits. Don t eat lots of fried food and sugar, because those have way too much fat in them which will cause you to gain weight over time. A good meal plan would be for example...Breakfast- some toast and 2 eggs scrambled or some healthy cereal like granola, or yogurt, some fruit, etc.Lunch: Something as simple as a turkey sandwich on wheat bread and like a side salad or a banana to go with it.Dinner: Lasagna, not a huge serving, but a decent size. Or a salad or some chicken that s backed but not fried with some cooked vegetable and rice on the side. There are many heathy choices you can choose from. Another key to losing weight is getting enough rest and not having an overly stressed lifestyle. Hope this helped!Good luck!

ok, 2 small servings of fruit, 2 small servings of veggies, good carbs in the mourning like a heathy cereal or oatmeal and lean protien in evening like skinnless boneless chicken, keep it under 1700 calories. eat 6 small meals a day, eat every 3 hours and dont eat anything 4hours before bed and now add all the exercise you can get, preferably something you enjoy like dancing or a sport and you will be fitGOOD LUCK 13 also and i am 5`4 and 120 pounds(around) i lose weight the healthy way and this is how... i wake up in the morning and have a healthy breakfast. then i exercise:warm up for 10 minutes. jog.and watever else then i do yoga and i jump on a spot for 3 minutes. i jump 4 times with my legs closed then 4 times with my legs opened. then i turn and face the side and repeat then face the back and repeat then i face the other side and repeat. and turn to the side and repeat and just keep goin. i also take dance class and we do a lot of hard core workout and other running and work in gym. i also use my treadmill, exercise bike, and stair climber and i do tricep and bicep curls i sometimes use my dads elliptical trainer thingy but its weird. then i eat a healthy lunch and supper also. i dont eat a lot of meat basically non but i eat a lot of fruit and veggies. i am very picky!!! just eat healthy and exercise healthily!

Your only 13 so you should not be stressing about it now. Your weight sounds alright based on your age and height!!!But....for the FUTURE, if your weight does become a issue:::Just eat smaller portions, and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. And you should try and jog, run, or walk as much as you can. For example; jog 5 days a week and give your body two days of rest, repeat.

dont worry about dieting at your age. basically, if your school has p.e, participate in it, try to eat a lot of fiber (to fill you up quickly) example: granola bars, cereal, grains etc.,) drink a lot of water (also to fill you quickly and increase your metabolism.)4 11 and 100 pounds is generally a good weight, unless you are very tiny (:

omg100 pounds whats with girls these days that s skinny hunni ur lucky u dont way 200 pounds ur no the one that needs to loose weight but everyone needs to exercise regally for health reasons but the fat kids that eat and maccas and fast food places everyday is the one who needs to loose weight

im 14 and i do soccer and netball. Take up a sport, and a thing that has helped me is to, when your home alone, dance in front of the tv really aggresively but try to make it good and make it up on the spot. And dont have seconds on anything. It helps a lot.

you sound completely healthy, maybe do some crunches every now and again. make sure to eat a good breakfast, but based on your age and weight you don t NEED to lose weight so take it easy, and don t do anything too harsh.

You shouldn t worry too much about your weight. :/ I think your weight is fine. =] But if you really want to lose weight, you should try drinking a lot of water eat healthier food. =]] excerise everyday.

You can do healthy choice.And get extra gum its like the kind they use on biggest loser and everytime you crave a sweet just put a piece of the gum in your mouth its delicious and works great!

Your wait seems fine. But if you eat junk food its better to eat fruit and veggies. Try going to exercise places they help! Anything will work but remember your weight is fine.

yeah i just started jogging u have to schdule every thing thts all best answeroh and eat healthy not a diet just make right choices

try eating an all natural diet just water fruits and veggies that should clense your body and help you loose weighthope it helps

Eat healthy and exercise, not really a mystery

Just avoid fatty food, high in sodium,sugars and other un-healthy things

..umm u dont need to lose any weight first of all..but if u really..wanna lose weight..idk y u wuld..but exercising and eating healthy is the best way to do it

I think your weight is fine.