Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to lose weight on my legs? -

I need to lose weight on my thies and calves. I cant run outside because i live on a really busy street, i can t use weight loss videos because my mom doesnt approve of them and I have to eat what she makes. I can however do pretty much any other exercise. oh and i cant use like treadmills and stuff like that...? PLease help me! i feel so big, because ya know those real short girls. Im tall, and slim comes with short..... please please help!


a combination of a good workout plan and a healthy diet is the most effective way to lose weight...especially in problem areas like you abs or legs.... heres some tips:This is a video of something you can do without the gym...its quick (but not as easy as it looks) it is very effective in toning:��Cardio is a verrrrry important part of a workout routine...if you dont have a treadmill or eliptical you can try doing jumping jacks, jump rope...if u cant go for a run in your neighborhood maybe get a lift to a park or a local school where you can run around a track.... a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week should be done in order to lose an optimal amount of body fat and burn those calories.Your diet is extremely important! eat less dairy (dairy puts a layer of fat above your muscles which makes them harder to tone) increase protein and healthy carbs(wheat bread etc.) fruits and vegetables are also a natural great source of carbs. Stay away from sugar and unhealthy carbs!!Lunges and squats are great for your thighs/butt. Using free weights while you do them is a plus. Also use these free weights to sculpt your arms...or do some pushups.For your abs I would suggest some pilates tapes... pilates is a very effective way of toning. There are soooo many different types of crunches out there, you might want to get a balance ball to keep in your room... its really great for reaching all different ab muscles.Good luck :)

try jogging walking jog in place jumping jacks work hard in gym class

its not really possible to lose weight in just one area, but to help walkin, running, jogging, and/or swimming ir great. squats are also good for working leg muscles

lunges, squats, wall jumps, squat-thrusts, run in place-lol, dance-im serious, join a sport that includes running

walk walk walk then walk faster....

When we want to get rid of body fat, there is no way to specifically burn fat from one part of the body. Doing situps won t burn the fat that is covering your abs and doing tricep extensions won t get rid of the fat that is covering your triceps. The only thing you can do is lose weight all around and eventually the problem area will also improve. The way to burn fat is through a calorie restricted diet in conjunction with an exercise routine that will burn calories. Activities that burn calories include running, biking, swimming and other high intensity activities.Guide to Reducing Body Fat -��