Monday, January 26, 2009

Exercise tips on how to lose weight but NOT gain muscle? 10 points!? -

I do a lot of running already but now my legs have gone all bulky. What exercise tips will help me lose weight overall and NOT gain muscle?I m 5ft7 and weight 130 pounds, by the way if that is needed.Also any diet tips, mainly what would be teh best to eat or not eatThanks!=]

well your legs are bulky because that s what there supposed to do if you run don t run as much start walking or sprinting it works to loose weight your 5 7 130lbs if your under the age of 35 that s the perfect weight for will be under weight if you lost any more and that s just as bad as being over weight but Society don t tell you because it looks better to eat good eat fresh food no processed foods like hot dogs or pre made hamburgers portion 6 small meals a day so your metabolisum keeps going all say and not just 3x a day eat more fruit like straw berrys stay away from bananas except 1 a day they have a lot of sugar but u need 1 a day for potassium I hope I helpedGod Bless

At 5 7 and 130 lbs your legs are not bulky -- You are an athlete and fall into a different category so don t confuse weight gain with dress size. You are currently at a perfect athletic weight and size.Guessing you are already a size 0 or 2. What you are trying to accomplish is to go from athlete to Dieter -- and that s a 6 month leap backwards for most people. I would recommend run longer distances at a slower pace and avoid hills and running at no more than 70% of your heart rate -- basically baseline training to maintain endurance but not build muscle.

You need about 2,000 calories a day just to survive so if you cut that to 1,500 calories per day you would intake 3,500 less calories a week. There is 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat. If you due cardio exercise on top of that you will burn more calories and gain minimal muscle mass. Just stay away from strength training if you want to not gain muscle. You never know though, once you lose the fat you may need to tone some muscle to fill out your shape.

intake less calories than your BMR (basal metabolic Rate) for weight loss) continue the cardio, but do not do anything high Impact! Sprinting,Jumping, stay away from exercises that creates resistance or fast twitch muscle Response, walk! Do 45 minute sessions to burn fat!you should eat five times a day, one half hour from waking up, then every three hours from there on. Have breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, with two samll snacks between. always have carb, fats, and protiens in every meal.

you can t exercise and not gain some muscle, that is just the way the body works. so you would have to really cut way down on your running. eat lean meats , whole grains fruits and veggies. burns fat.

try the Little Jack workout�� it really works

i would said dont lift weights then