Monday, January 19, 2009

How to lose weight and stay motivated? -

i have about 60lbs to lose to be at a healthy weigh , ive never been good with discipline and but i really want to get back to my normal shape ( before kids ) ive signed up to a gym but i dont seem to be motivated enough to go, and i started eating healthier but i keep jumping back to junk food ... help me ! :)

Sit ups and Push ups. If you want an assist you can get the Perfect Push Up for $40 and those will work your biceps, triceps, and abs.And if you want to focus on your stomach you can ---Put a pillow under your lower back and do regular crunches but hit the floor with you back each time. Keep your feet held down by something or someone. Do as many as you can in one minute. Then take a short 30-45 second break. Do that for and least an hour. By the time the Hour is up you will feel the burn. But make sure that you have a protien drink after you do the crunches or it will pretty much be useless.P.S. Try consuming about 500-600 less calories a day.Muscle Milk works great.This will work trust me.

To keep motivated, you should make a success booklet. Include the date, an inspirational note, and make sure to put wether you have exercised that day or not. Here is 2 examples of what you could put down for your inspirational note: I feel much more energized after my workout! or after a few weeks, you could say write something down like, I m looking foward to seeing myself in the mirror. studies show you are more likely to succeed that way. Whenever you feel like you want to cheat on your diet, or you don t want to exercise, call a friend or buddy, and tell them what you feel (something like, I m having a down day. I don t think I m going to exercise today. ) But make sure you have at least 2 people that you can call or talk to whenever you need their support.

To help you get started, find out if your gym offers personal trainers, some-time they are free with the membership or try to find a friendly one that may help you get started, attend you cardio classes as well, you will need to shed to get to the muscle once you start lifting. Just remember what your common goal is and set mini goals, don t deprive yourself, do everything in moderation. Moderation is the key and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

1. dont bank on the words fast quick stay safe,you shoudnt lose beyond 4 pounds of fat per week2. start brisk walking 1-2 hrs a day3. drink only water,lowfat milk and lots of green tea4. severely limit carbs n fat but eat lean proteins and veggies very well..make sure you eat a good breakfast!5. do lots of pilates/yoga/strength training to get the best from your other efforts6. get a dog or 2 if you find your walking routine boring..or if you are at a gym,experiment all forms of cardio available and stick to all that you like7. always push yourself n never give up!but get enough rest too...once you start to see results you wont have an excuse to just sit and laze on that dammn couch or even dream of junk food anymore!8. be smart when eating out or at events/functions9. dont trust myths like no food after 7pm have to stay nourished to lose fat,..the best you can do if you are scared to eat is perhaps drink a glass of ice chocolate lowfat milk mixed with a tsp of instant softened oatmeal... 10. Stay focused on your goal and God bless you...

yeah staying on track can be super hard. you should get an old pic (pre-spawn) and put them around the house so you can remember what your trying to get back to.plan your junk food needs. it not that you cant have them but in moderation and working it off. So if you say once a week ill have some french fries, youll have something to look forward for the gym-- you just have to keep in mind you fabolous goal. and think that the gym is a good way to make it happen just a little bit sooner.i do wish u the best of luck!

Stop eating so much.Many people are surprised by just eating less. Just because your doing this doesn t mean you will be hungry, if you eat high protein foods.And if you do start to work out, carbs will no longer be you enemy, but your friend. As long as you don t eat A LOT.LOW LOW LOW sugars, if sugar is not immediately worked off, they will turn to fat.Be careful with too much protein, it can cause kidney stones. But don t be afraid of it, I m saying, if every, single thing you eat has like 10 grams of it. But it probably won t.