Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to lose weight? -

I m 14 and am 122 lbs. I want to lose 22 pounds safely. And if there is a way, I want it to be fast. At least by Spring Break is over, IF possible. What should my diet plan be? Eat healthy, of course but what helps the most in a diet and what kind of exercise should I do? I don t think I could run because I live up North, and it is still snowy and cold.I have Volleyball on Mondays if that helps.

-drink lots of water and stay hydrated (stay away from soda and juice, or vitamin water)-eat about 5 meals a day no bigger then your own fist (that is what the size of your stomach should be and you dont want to strech it you want it smaller)-no fried food, no sugar, and you only need about 5 almonds of oil a day. no dressing on a salad, stik to balsamic vinegar (organic) -make sure you have breakfast everyday and dont eat past 6 pm-eat bananas (its fiber and doesnt stay in your system and no extra calaries therefore no wight gain) stay away from apples and grapes-eat veggies, lots of veggies, bbq meat, everything thats made on fire your good :) dont fry anything )) just boil, boil chiken, boil vegies, boil whatever just make sure you eat. - healthier you eat, drink more water, exercise twice a day, but dont forget to eat, that way your metabolism becomes faster and you burn more fat. -make sure you stick to exercise, becuz working out for a month and quiting for a week after you can gain everything back within a week, so stick to it :) once you get to the size you want, keep eating healthy and minimize your exersice but dont change your diet. p.s. you can indulge your self once a week to a chocolate candy, but only once, and it should be as big as your finger ))) like a chocolate bar should be the same size of your finger :) trust me this works :)))) alot of hard work :))) but it works :))) good luck :) and stay healthy!!!

u cant lose weight fast safely..u are going to have to eat healthy and run! get a treadmill and if u cant get one do jumping jacks or jumpropedo it every chance you get twice a day at least(morning and night since u want results fast)

hola chica, volley ball and or any activity ALWAYS SHALL HELP YOU LOSE SOME i know my god daughter your age actually well one yr abovenow 15 she lost a whopping 16 pounds in around 17 day!!!i was like ok that was great but seem Fast then again she is healthy her doctor saying grapes fruits veggies are a great way to lose weight and ONE BIG healthy meal at night for dinner! she also did the whole SPECIAL K cereal a dash of sugar in it with strawberries sometimes and VOILA! in a day or two she lost her first FAST TWO POUNDS! then after the second day: she lost eating once a day or twice as a snack on grapes,watermelon tuna cracker(S)a few not much and barely no exercise but she,a few days a week walk to the store each day 15 min back and forth and loads of AGUA!(much water) per day half of a gallon she drink to a whole within a day! and or EVERY OTHER DAY.and strawberries too dash of sugar on the strawberries some 1 to 2 % milk ONLY FISH bake and bake turkey skinless breast and BROWN goodtasty healthy rice with spinach and kale/collards/mustard greens all those are EXCELLENT A RATING VEGGIES,and her 16 to 17 pounds just fell off good luck!last note DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF one piece of sweets IF YOU want it HAVE IT,life is WAYYYYY to short not to as she do now and STILL SHE HAS NOT GAIN BUT LIKE ONE POUND BACK EATING LOAD OF B DAY CAKE FOR OUR Auntie two mos ago and now dropping another few pdsagain!adios!

Gradually reduce intake daily intake of starch.

As a general rule, eat healthier and exercise more. But losing that much that fast is so unhealthy! And at 14, you shouldn t be trying to lose weight. Even if you don t like your body now, you re nowhere near finished growing.

To stay healthy you should try and excercise more and keep a balanced diet which would also help you loose weight. If this doesn t help you call a weight loss program and they will tell you how you could loose weight easy.Cheers hope this works