Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to lose weight fast, easy, and free? -

im 13 almost 14 years old. i weigh about 180 pounds. i want to be at least 105 pounds by september 2 2008. i really need help and it has to be free and easy. so please help me!!!!!!!!!

I m a 12 year old boy and I am what you may consider as a helath freak . I almmost never have fried foods and ALWAYS eat healthy foods . The device I give to you is the real deal . First of all , if you are someone who drinks either WHOLE or 2 % milk , get it out of the house !!!!! I recomend 1% or Skim (Fat Free) . I recomend running or fast walking - try to build some muscle while you are at it . Muscle can burn many calories . Stay away from foods with alot of fat and sugar . I am in perfect shape and weigh around 100 pounds - I don t want to burst your bubble , but you might not get to 105 pounds , although I promise you WILL lose alot of weight if you stick to the plan . Make sure you tell your parents to just keep the fatty foods out of the house - if you dont have it , you wont crave for it . Also DO NOT drink Diet ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It slows your metabolisim down to almost nothing and can even make you gain weight . DRINK WATER . Here are some suggestions :-Stay away from all meat except for GRILLED CHICKEN (NOT CHICKEN NUGGETS )-Stay away from heavy foods like fries and oily things-If your at McDonalds order a grilled chiken sandwhich with no fries and NO MAYO and soda , if had in moderation soda is OK I you have any questions just text me and I will tell you more GOOD LUCK :-)* Also eat until your ALMOST full and dont over eat*NEVER skip meals

funny my goal is similar I m 190 and i want to get to 127 I ll tell you what I m doing but bear in mind that everyone is built differently so what works for me may not work for you. and you want to lose a lot of weight and if you don t lose as much as you want don t get down, just think of the weight you did lose rather than the weight you didn t OK ready...i work out at the gym from 6-7 in the morningi walk to all my classes (yes I m still in school)i eat a healthy diet (per meal) 1 grain 2 vegtables 2 fruits 1 protein 1 glass of milk/wateri know it sounds like a lot but make sure to proportion it and you ll do fine (note i eat nuts,eggs,yogurt or peanut butter for protein because i don t eat meat or fish)i hope this helped good luck

Breakfast: *Remember that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, up to 700 calories is still healthy for a man1. 3 egg whites2. 1 cup of fat free or low fat milk3. 1 piece of whole wheat toast4. 1 cup fresh or frozen berriesAM Snack:*Remember, snacks should be frequent but healthy1. 1 handful of walnuts2. 1 Polly string cheeseLunch:*Lunch should be at around 1:00 each day, because any change in the schedule could mess up your metabolism1. Grilled chicken or turkey sandwich on wheat bread with provolone cheese2. 1 serving of carrots and broccoli3. 1 peachPM snack:*Remember, eat until you are no longer hungry, but not until you are full1. 1 apple2. 1/2 serving of multi grain wheat thinsDinner:*Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day, and should be full of pure protein with no carbs at all1. Some sort of grilled fish (salmon is always good)2. 1 serving of a green vegetableDessert:*Dessert should be enjoyed every other day, and in small quantities1. Cut up a banana into circular pieces and drizzle 1 tablespoon Light Hershey s Chocolate Sauce over themOnce you do this or something very similar for 2 weeks, and have lost some weight, you are ready to start with the working out part of this plan. Start with some walking 5 times a week, 1 mile at a time. Then slowly add jogging to 2 of those 5 days. That way you are jogging 2 miles and walking 3 each weak. Then add the jogging to 1 more day, but on that day, jog 2 miles. Work your way up to jogging 3 miles 3 times a week, and walking 2 miles twice a week.

You DO NOT need to lose that much weight, trust me. A normal weight for someone your age would probably be more around 120. You should eat healthy and excersize but be realistic. You don t want to do any severe dieting because then once you get back to your normal eating schedule you ll gain the weight back. My suggestion is that you cut out dessert like foods from your diet. Have a lot of vegetable. Eat a little under 2000 calories a day. Avoid juice and soda and try to drink only water and milk.Go for walks each day and maybe do a few crunches each day to tone up. You ll probably start to see a difference within a matter of a week without resulting to extreme and unhealthy dieting. You re young and your diet should be very nutritious.

I have to agree with Maria that you need to talk with your parents and a doctor. But if you are going to do this yourself remember these important facts. 1. You did not get where you are in a couple of months, so you will probably be doing this for a while. 2. Drink a glass of water before each meal so you will eat less. Cutting out the sodas(if you drink them) is a big help. You take in ALOT of calories by drinking soda. 3. Get in the mindset that you re not eating to be full, but eating a proper amount for nutrition. There s a big difference between eating to be full and eating for nutrition. Many people that I share this information with don t think of it the way I do. Most people eat to be full. 4. Activity. Be more active. Burn off the calories you take in. It may seem hard at first, but don t give up. You can do anything you set your mind to. The human brain is the most incredible organ in your body. 5. Set reachable or achievable goals and write them on a calender or some place that you can see it everyday. Use it as a reminder of what it is you want to achieve. Even if you don t reach your goal by the time you want (75 pounds in two months is NOT healthy) you can see your progress. Hope this helps.

hey there :) as someone who struggled with my weight sicne i was young it has been a challenge. but do not get discouraged. excersice is very impotant and i have learned that things that get your heart pumping help the best ex. jump roping and running as fast as you can then stopping for a minute then running again.these don t have to be long periods of time even ten min three times a day. also try to choose healthier foods. little changes can make a great outcomes good luck you can do it

First you need to get up and move around. Go for walks and not be so lazy. Excersise is the best along with your diet. Watch what you eat and I don t mean as it goes in your mouth either!! The time of day is very important too, like mornings EAT and at bedtime DON T eat. If you must eat some fruit that you like. Change your habits and rutines. It won t happen over nite, but you ll notice it and when you do you ll like it and want to keep with it!! I speak for example, I ve lost 130 lbs. in 18 mos. and look great! Have a good summer and get out there!!!!! You can do it, you have to try!!!!!

Jessy, you are not going to lose 75 pounds in two months. If you truly want to lose weight, you need to sit down with your doctor and parents to decide on a healthy, age appropriate weight-loss plan. You are too young to attempt this on your own. Good luck.

You can t really. Anything worth a whole lot takes a whole olt of effort. eat healthy and exercise. I have been working out for about a month and i already see amazing results. you can do it!

Proper diet and exercise regime.

eat healthy... go to LOTS of exercisey summer camps... join sports teams... go on walks/jogs/runs.... go outside and have fun!!!