Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to lose weight fast from a 200lbs to a 130lbs im 14? -

Increase your heard rate. It burns calories. Any way you want. Play DDR, do a sprint every 15 minutes, start dancing in your room with the cheesiest moves ever, laugh a lot, take long walks.Also, no more fizzy sugar waters. No sodas

I would try this workout. At the same time you will be gaining muscule and burning fat. So its awesome. WHAT YOU LL NEED: Two 5 pounds weights.* means one 5 pound weight in each hand.If you don t have two 5 pound weights try using water bottles full of water.Workout:Stretch*20 Bench Press x3 20 squats x3*20 side arm lifts x320 crunches x320 push-ups x3*20 lunges x320 leg lifts x3Walk for 30 minsStretchStretching before your workout helps you not to pull a muscule during your workout.Stretching after your workout helps you not be AS sore afterward. I try to do this everyday, but I m sure you would get results doing this only 2-4 days a week. I recomend everyday.Eat 1500 calories a day and drink 8 glasses of water daily.You will lose weight and tone up!I ve lost 6 pounds and I ve only been doing it for a week!You can do it! i know you can!You will be sore. and it will hurt but you can do it.Don t be scared to add more excercises of more reps.Hope this works for you!

Lower your salt intakeWhen thirsty..just drink water..No sodasNo chipsNo cookies, cakes, candies, chocolateAdd brown rice, veggies and protein to the foods that you eat.Stay away from white bread..Lower your potato intakeDo at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a weekTake the stairs.You will definitely lose weight quickly.

Eat less and exercise more. I lost 5 lbs by eating healthy and drinking only water.