Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to lose weight: for 13 year olds? -

I am 13 years old, and about 5 8. I am about 170 lbs. and i need to lose weight. Any quick ways? (about half a year?)

well your pretty tall for 13 but stop eating junk food and just get more activity.if you really want to lose weight, write down what you eat- it helps more than you think.drink water and if you want to drink soda drink diet cause you don t want to drink away your calories for the day.bring your lunch to school too so you know how many calories are in your lunch instead of the greasy school food.and just walk if you can t workout one day, its better than the biggest loser for inspiration too ! haha

Everyone wants fast results, but nothing has been shown to do that without causing other problems. every quick fix pill that has ever come along has been shown to damage the heart or liver. also you cannot pick and chose where the fat comes from. you can t reduce your legs, stomach or hips by design. you lose weight, and your body uses its fat stores however it sees fit.Your best bet, and the only thing that has been proven to work is a lifestyle change. you have to begin eating right and start getting much more active. focus on healthy/whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains. avoid sugar, salt, simple carbs like rice, potatoes and white flour. limit dairy such as milk, cheese, butter, and watch fats like oils.

You need to exercise a bit or you will get puffed no matter what you do because you are unfit. Losing weight fast, I would suggest a closely watched diet (probably by a nutritionist if you have breathing problems as you will have to watch your diet for life). Pepsi still contains calories, even diet pepsi (the calories are hidden due to conversions with artificial sugars in the body). Switch to water. It may not be fizzy but it really is so much healthier and can t be beat.

First at 68 inches you are not that overweight. You are a big 13 year old. You should try to drink lots of water for more than just weight control. It will also help complexion issues. try to eat low calorie foods first (ie veggies) then eat protein and carbs at meal so that if you get full, you have eaten lower calorie foods first. Try to limit the amount of cals you are eating in a dayYou MUST exercise. Do NOT sit in front of the TV if it is light outside. Play sports and hang with friends just do not do it in front of a TV though. Sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of weight issues inteens. Light weightlifting could be done just do not over do it....

It is not complicated, you should not eat fatty food for example frozen foods or fast food try exercising and eating two hours before you go to bed, that way your body will have time ti digest. And don t worry your body is growing that s why you might be chubby as you get older your body gets skinnier, but follow the tips.

Go for regular walks. If you have a trampoline jump for a set period every day, and eat healthily. Don t kill yourself. Just be in a routine and never slack off. Pushups as well. And situps. But again, only for a set time. If you just tire yourself out too quickly you re not helping yourself. Go slowly at first, and soon you ll be in great shape.

Get a summer job, that makes you work really really hard. When I was 15, I got a summer job, that was like maintenance around town, gardening, mowing, building sheds, packing things and putting them into trucks, etc. I lost 45 pounds in ONE summer! Not to mention, boy was I tan! And when I went back to school, everyone was like what? who is that? Lolz.... Good Luck!

13 ? NOT a crash diet basically watch your diet cut down fats and sugars concentrate on fruit and vegetables light exercise, walking jogging ect DON T go to a gym at 13 your body actually is still growing and any strenuous exercise will cause damage rather than aid you

I am 13 years old, and about 5 8. I am about 170 lbs. and i need to lose weight. I read that out loud, its like the sweetest rhyme ever. You should cut a record deal rapping about your yahoo answers.

join sports. eat healthier(or just not as much). run for 1/2 hour every morning.

jog, pushups, situps, jump rope. a lot of cardio


diet and exercise

DON T stop eating. Just eat healthier and excercise