Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to lose weight in a HEALTHY way.? -

Ok im 13 and i am now a size 9 and my goal by august is a size 5. I have been doing any where from 300-800 sit-ups EVERY day now for 3 weeks and have not noticed any results. i eat healthy and prob. eat like 1,200 calories a day. so does anybody have any ways to lose weight that are healthy and acctually work?

DIET AND EXERCISE!Make sure you know how to read the nutrition label and know how much you should eat.��Run on the treadmill, do cardio, look up and see how the celebrities stay so fit.Make a diet schedule. Go on my account and look at my recent question. It tells my diet schedule and maybe that will give you an ideaAlso you won t see results that early. Wait a month and see.

Hello :) ok 300-800 sit-ups isn t going to do much. Its about quality, not quantity. Also, toning you stomach isn t going to help your hips and thighs to go down a size (or 2 in your case). The best way to burn fat is to exercise by doing cardio or weights because there s such a variety of things you can do. I would highly suggest getting a membership to the gym so you can do the olyptical, stair master, the bike, etc. and they have weight machines for your legs and hips. Also, be patient! losing weight is a process that takes time and don t give up if your not seeing results in the first few weeks!! Eating wise you should eat maybe 5 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big meals, its a lot better for your body and helps you burn fat easier. But make sure your eating healthy too, avoid fried, greasy, fatty foods. and get your fruits and veggies in there too! Good luck!!(P.S some other at home exercises are leg lifts, lunges, squats, and wall sits. make sure you have dumbbells (weights) or else the lungs and squats won t be as effective. if you want just Google leg and hip exercises and there will be billions of results)

It sounds like you have a pretty good start already but you just need some cardio. The best thing to do is run. I lost 20 pounds in 1 month by running 2 miles a day and not eating any fatty or sugary foods and reducing my proportions. I also started splitting my caloric needs into 5 meals a day, this will increase your metabolism. Here is a site that will tell you how many calories you need in a day to loose weight, split the amount into 5 meals a day! The key is to increase your metabolism, and doing what I did will do it Exercise increases your metabolism immensely and can keep it increased. As far as the sit ups go, do russian twists with a dumbbell, it works for me! Here is a video on how to do them.

Run?No offense to your or anybody else.The 1200calorie thing.. fine, thats fine.RUN... you re not going to lose weight SOLELY by just eating healthy. And i m sorry.. but I hightly doubt you do 300-800sitsup every day.You need to run.Dont let anyone tell you any different.Just go for a run.. start off small.. a mile, mile and a half. 2 miles. trust me... Run, You ll lose weight.

OK you are 13 and still growing. Not only should you not be on here: but while you are still growing you really should just be sticking to a healthy eating plan as drastic diets at your age may be harmful. You may just be at the right weight fr your height and build.

Actually, you might wanna get some cardio in there. If you need some workout programs there is a great yahoo group that I own that has helped a few people who are dedicated to losing weight lose weight

Running, biking, walking, etc. Eat healthy foods like fruits and veggies. Being vegan is a good way to lose a lot of weight.