Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to lose weight? Toning stomach? -

I ve asked questions before about weight loss, but I feel that I need more answers. I m 5 6 and 118-119 pounds. I m 13 almost 14, and I m very unhappy with my weight and body. What are some good ways to lose weight? Serious answers only please. Don t say don t eat. I ve tried it before, and it s a bad idea. Thanks everyone!

In not possible to spot reduce fat in just one part of your body, like your stomach. In order to lose stomach fat you will need to lose the fat all over your body.In short you may need to start:1) Eating healthier, this means:Eat smaller mealsEat more meals a dayDon��t starve yourselfEat more vegetables and fruitDrinks more waterLess sugars and empty calories (less soft drinks, cakes, cookies)Switch to whole wheat versions of your bread and pasta, brown rice instead of white rice2) Exercising:Forget crunches, crunches work your ab muscles but they dont burn enough calories to lose stomach fat, if you do hundreds of crunches daily you will have great abs but you wont see them under your belly fat.Prefer full body exercises they burn the most calories and increase you metabolism for a few hours after your workout.Get a training partner or a fitness trainer, a very worthwhile investment - of the money you save on junk food for example =)Try also to reduce stress and get enough sleep. Both of these are related to weight gain and emotional eating.For more try: http://www.flatstomachtips.comor http://lose-belly-fat.comI wish you all the best,John

Of course not eating is a bad idea! your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down as it tries to store your fat. Totally messes up your system.A lot of cardiovascular exercise will help : 4-5 hours a week. Walking/jogging, swimming, playing tennis, etc.With that you should do some strength-training, try every alternate day after you ve warmed up. Sit ups, push ups, squats and lunges - if you don t want to go to the gym. Add in stretches - touching your toes, splits, stretching out your muscles worked... That and eat in moderation. Swap white bread for whole-wheat or rye, don t eat chips and too many cookies, limit that intake and opt for fruit instead. This will all work with effort and time:) You won t lose fat only around the stomach and that may take a little longer, don t lose hope!Good luck!

okgo running everyday..drink lots of small 6-8 portions a a exercising video and do that..dont eat after 7..and about toning..try crunches..good luck =)