Monday, February 23, 2009

What is a good way to lose weight fast, without using any products/programs like Herbal Magic? -

I need advice on how to lose weight. Is there any like, specific dishes, or food I can eat to lose weight?

I lost a lot of weight (and love my body now!) just by following the tips in this article:��It basically sums up what I did - copy exactly what fit people do. She has 15 great tips for people who desperately want to lose weight, but are stuck in a rut.Good Luck!

You cannot loose weight fast and keep it off, you have to eat healthy-and portion the food you eat, and a large part is exerciseI follow this plan-(amount per day3 proteins(1 portion is the size of a deck of cards-for meat)1 dairy(16 oz)3 starches(1 serving is 1/2 a cup)4 veggies(1/2 cup)3 fruit(1 fruit if it es a banana or apple or along those lines, and other wise stick 2 1/2 a cup)8 waters(8 oz is on serving, more water is good, but this is the min.)I lost 2 lbs. per week on this diet(size 7/8 and now a size 3)Exercise is the main part of any weight loss program because that is what helps burn the extra calories your body does not use.

Its not good too lose weight so fast. Its very very bad for your heart. I know you said you did nt want to do a program but i did weight watchers and i lost tons of weight, the first couple of weeks it just kinda drops off. The programs just shows you how too eat right pretty much, you can go too the first meeting for free and get all the stuff and never go back.

If u want to lose ur wait for the first u need to do a lot of exercises.Then u must avoid JUNK FOODS. Have a lot of RABBIT FOODS like vegetables and fruits.@ Sit when you eat.@ Always Avioid Junk food. @ Dont eat pizza, potato and oily food.@ Dont drink Softdrinks and soda.@ Eat a lot of fruits@ Eat a lot of vegitables.(salad)@ Drink a lot of water@ Do not eat candy or chocolate@ Sleep well@ If you can, do mediatation and yoga.@ Dont drink alcohol and don t smoke@ Eat hygienic foods.@ Don t get yourself starve@ After breakfast, make water your primary drink.@ Switch to ordinary coffee@ Eat 90 percent of your meals at home.@ Eat only when you hear your stomach growling.@ Eat at least two servings of a fruit or veggie at every meal.@ Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.@ Eat more soup. The noncreamy ones are filling but low-cal.@ Walk around the mall three times before you start shopping.@ Start eating a big breakfast. It helps you eat fewer total calories throughout the day.@ Eat without engaging in any other simultaneous activity. No reading, watching TV, or sitting at the computer.@ Always be activeThese simple tips will help you to lose weight.good Luck ..!!����

First of all, don t skip breadfast.Don t stave yourself thinking that if you don t eat means you will lose weight....there are more to that.Eat small meals , spread out 4- 6 times a day, this help to increase your metabolism, thus helping you to lose weight.Small meal means healthy food with low calorie like vegi, fruits , whole meal bread...etcCut down on glucose.I have loss 20 lbs in a month just by boosting my metoblism, and i don t starve myself.If you wish, you can check out my site about my story:

Just eat sensibly. Look for higher protein, lower calorie foods. Keep an eye on sugar and fat intake. Drink lots of water, exercise and get plenty of rest. Just stick to it and you will be pleased with the results.

Cut back on portion size.